Gor'Tog Dismantle on 02/04/2008 12:46 AM CST
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At Aurdun's suggestion, here's an idea for a real Gor'Tog dismantle.

Dismantle <box> BITE

Grinning to yourself, you quickly tear a bite off of the <box> and chew for a moment. Tough texture, poor flavor, it kind of reminds you of a bad turnip. Regardless, your stomach could easily be filled with something more tasty, and you spit the splinters on the floor.

Looking more hungry than dangerous, <person> begins to gnaw on the <box>. After reducing it to a mouthful of splinters, <he/she> seems to reach a decision and spits them out onto the floor. Hope no one's going barefoot.

Anticipating the shocked looks, you smile widely and take a huge bite of the <box>. Metal shrieks, your jaw muscles complain, and the end result is a mold a dentist would be proud of. Already bored, you crumple it up and throw it heedlessly over your shoulder.

Suddenly flashing a demented smile, <name> clamps <his/her> jaws down on the <box>. Though it leaves quite a large mouth-shaped dent in the metal, <he/she> balls up the poor <box> and carelessly throws within inches of your head.

Here's what I'd want for a dismantle.

Dismantle <box> TOGBALL

Growing bored of the endless boxes, you whistle up a small game of Togball for fun. Grabbing the <box> for the ball, it (and a not-insignificant part of the landscape) is quickly reduced to a scant few scraps by the enthusaistic pick up game. Within moments, it degenerates into squabbling over rules and the players wander back to their tasks.

Caraamon gives a piercing whistles and out of nowhere a large number of Gor'Togs materialize. He grabs the box and following some sort of obscure rules, the box and scenery are quickly smashed under the mass of punching, tackling, and yelling green bodies. Just as suddenly as it started, the players pack up and wander off to where ever they came from.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi,
Gor'Tog Barbarian Extrordi...Well somewhat average
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Gor'Tog Dismantle on 02/04/2008 12:58 AM CST
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I thought of another one I'd love for myself.

Dismantle <box> Tarupamki

Raising your voice, give a call for the nearest trained Tarupamki. After quickly slamming the <box> so hard it should have woken the World Dragon, you dismiss the beast. With a snort and a grunt, it gives you a love kick and trundles its way out.

Giving out a loud bellow, Caraamon is quickly joined by ... something. The large, smelly shape gives out swamp-scented grunt, rears back, and easily pounds the <box> so far into the ground only a dwarven mining team might have a chance finding it. That accomplished, Caraamon says something in Toggish and the thing leaves, but not before idly trying to kick him through over horizon.

I love Tarupamki.

Magic's Death Caraamon Makdasi,
Gor'Tog Barbarian Extrordi...Well somewhat average
Hunta Talna Kortok, built by Gor'Togs, for Gor'Togs
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Re: Gor'Tog Dismantle on 02/04/2008 08:27 AM CST
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Beautiful dismantles there!

Player of- Yes, a few togs too!

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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