Racial features on 02/15/2012 10:06 PM CST
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So, I was thinking about hair (really, don't ask), and it occured to me that togs seem to get the short end of the stick on a lot of things (that whole slavery thing, the terribad TDP offsets for years, etc.), and one thing they seem to be missing is that extra slot races get for hair; the other hairless race get interesting snout/ridge/tail options instead.

Anything Togs get to compensate for this I'm not aware of? Anything in the pipeline?

If not...what about racial scalp tattoos or scarrification, or some other moderately unique and appropriate device for 'togs?

Let's save us all some time: I'm a troll who rarely has anything helpful. There.
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Re: Racial features on 02/15/2012 11:09 PM CST
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>>Kroonermanrevenge: Anything Togs get to compensate for this I'm not aware of?

Not in the current system. You can make your Tog look less plain with face and build shifts, but there is no feature slot that is exclusively Toggish.

List of feature slots and options: http://elanthipedia.org/w/index.php/Shift#Features_and_Syntax

"PHA = Healer Union. They charge for healing based on your injuries. We will now pause while everyone gives their opinion on this." -- Teilan
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Re: Racial features on 02/16/2012 12:50 AM CST
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I like the idea of Scalp Tattoos/scarification.

Although, have you checked out the scalp wax? If not, it's a great RP tool that's Tog only.
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Re: Racial features on 02/17/2012 11:01 PM CST
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Your green or a shade of green or black and massive and awesome.
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