Okay, I was going to announce this at the meeting, however, with the change in the meeting, I'm going to post an announcement.
There is going to be an Olvi party!
WHEN: November 4th (hopefully an afternoon time so we can get a range of attendee's)
WHO: You! The wonderful Olvi of the lands!
WHERE: In one of them fancy wedding portal places
WHY: Cause Mingold and I wanted to!
WHAT: There will be games and prizes. A story telling contest as well, so start thinking up them stories! We'll have a savanger hunt and maybe a find the hidden object along with the other usual crazy things.
HOW: Two weeks before the party, find Mingold or I for invitations! I will post when we have them so that we can get them to as many people as possible.
So, mark your calander folks. Dremara is going to be helping with the party so you know we have the bestest! Hope to see you all there!
A snow goblin reaches down and gently pets your corpse, then quickly looks about to make sure no one noticed.
Party time! on 09/25/2006 01:57 PM CDT
Re: Party time! on 10/11/2006 11:30 AM CDT
Re: Party time! on 10/11/2006 01:36 PM CDT
Re: Party time! on 10/20/2006 08:18 PM CDT
Re: Party time! on 10/21/2006 12:39 AM CDT
November 4th! See Mingold or me for invitations. We have some fun things cooked up, I hope and there will be slot machines to play with too, so bring kronar's. A story telling contest as well, so have a good story ready. Yes, there will be prizes for the winners. Hope to see you all there!
A snow goblin reaches down and gently pets your corpse, then quickly looks about to make sure no one noticed.
A snow goblin reaches down and gently pets your corpse, then quickly looks about to make sure no one noticed.