Halfling History and Lore on 03/16/2010 01:34 PM CDT
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I have been half-heartedly searching records and archives for Halfling history and lore. I was thinking of compiling what I could find to create a more comprehensive history and summary of the Halfling race. I know there are several mentionings of the Halfling race in library books, but they can be somewhat obscure, so I'd appreciate anyone pointing me to the volumes containing history on the race or events dealing with Halflings.

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Re: Halfling History and Lore on 03/16/2010 01:49 PM CDT
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You might find this website useful. http://arthedale.com/ Mykk kept a lot of info for us. Also check out http://taffeisjournal.com/. Taffei kept lots of stuff as well. I still use her maps for Arthe Dale.

Olvi are not specific to one area though there is the Town of Arthe Dale and the group in Riverhaven. Also, you'll find some info on Daffelberry Tanglefoot in the Traders Guild History book located in the Trader Guild Library in Riverhaven.

Hope that helps!

Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen. Homer Simpson

Get the facts first and then you can distort them as much as you please. Mark Twain
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Re: Halfling History and Lore on 03/16/2010 01:52 PM CDT
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And silly me, forgot to mention the Shard area Olvi. Libraries in all there of these area's have most of the Olvi story books in them. The islands also have Olvi as some of the ruling families. We are scattered throughout the lands as you can see.

Marge, it takes two to lie. One to lie and one to listen. Homer Simpson

Get the facts first and then you can distort them as much as you please. Mark Twain
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Re: Halfling History and Lore on 03/16/2010 02:03 PM CDT
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Start by never referring to them as Halflings again. Its derogatory.
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Re: Halfling History and Lore on 03/16/2010 02:21 PM CDT
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Thanks for the helpful information.

Also, Zethin, don't be an ass. The forum name is Halfling, not Olvi, and this is an OOC conversation.
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Re: Halfling History and Lore on 03/16/2010 02:28 PM CDT
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Not trying to be an ass, but if someone is writing a history from an IC point of view they should get the name right. Considering how many other game systems use the race "Halfling" and not "Olvi" its something easily glossed over and worth pointing out.
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Re: Halfling History and Lore on 03/18/2010 08:48 AM CDT
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Eoworfinia really covered the best sources. Taffei's site has always been very useful for me.

Also, not all of us roleplay our characters to take offense at being called Halflings. I would agree, however, that it's useful to make a note that some prefer being addressed as Olvi instead. Taffei's site subtley addresses this on the Olvi tab of her page.
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Re: Halfling History and Lore on 08/02/2010 09:34 AM CDT
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Olvi are just the right size for Olvi. They are not half of anything.

"If you insist that roleplaying involves Shakespearean dialogue over tea, it reveals a flaw in your current conception of roleplaying that I encourage you to play with." -Armifer
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