Speaking of using a pipe....... on 04/20/2016 09:44 AM CDT
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Any Olvi out there who use a pipe for their smoking needs?

I am chagrined to say that I'm struggling with the tobacco size (20 parts), breaking it into many pieces to fit the pipe, etc. Surely there is an easier way to avoid having multiple pieces of tobacco?

Now there is the issue of lighting it. Neither lighting the tobacco or pipe work - I use flint to light.

Currently I'm using cigars but would really rather use a pipe! I've waited long enough to become a master with all the images and now that I am actually attempting to catch up, I'm frustrated with the mechanics.

Feel free to contact me IG or even via AIM. (My SN is in my profile)

Totally failing as a proper Olvi.........


Sure would like to learn the bracelet image if someone would like to share!
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Re: Speaking of using a pipe....... on 04/20/2016 12:33 PM CDT
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<<Now there is the issue of lighting it. Neither lighting the tobacco or pipe work - I use flint to light.

Not a smoker, in game or out, but there are a few quirks about lighting things on fire in general that may be the culprit rather than something smoking speecific.

Weapon in right hand, pipe in left hand, flint in a container on your person, LIGHT TOBACCO WITH MY FLINT should work. (You might need to specify LIGHT TOBACCO IN PIPE etc. This is a smoking specific thing I'm not sure of.) If the items are in the other hands then it won't light and I've found that you have to use MY to specify the flint sometimes or it just fails even if there's no other obvious flint anywhere although it does sometimes work without it.

And if that fails then doing it old school should work. Drop the pipe with the tobacco in it and hold the weapon and flint then LIGHT TOBACCO WITH FLINT.
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