Halfling Racial Instruments on 06/12/2016 01:40 PM CDT
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Greetings Hairyfeets,

Olvi currently don't have any OFFICIAL racial instruments. While I can't say what we'll end up doing for this -- is there any instrument (not currently already associated with a race) that exists in Dragonrealms (or doesn't exist!) that you think "fits" the Olvi vibe? Give reasons! Be specific!

I may only lurk this thread from this point onward.

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Re: Halfling Racial Instruments on 06/12/2016 02:13 PM CDT
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A kazoo................because a flute is just too refined.

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Re: Halfling Racial Instruments on 06/12/2016 08:05 PM CDT
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In DR, halflings are mostly 'silly' things copied wholesale from Tolkien. I got bored, and went looking for Tolkien music instruments. He specified the size and frequency of bowl movements, surely he does music.

I turned up: http://www.elvenminstrel.com/tolkien/p6.htm

In general, I would probably ascribe to halflings something like the penny whistle, or a similar 'simple' wind instrument. It fits the free and airy feel of the hobbit (Sorry, I mean olvi) but lacks the dedication and effort of something like a flute or a fiddle. It also fits in with a more farmer/herder aesthetic which the halflings seem to have (as opposed to warriors, scholars, etc. of other races).

I also went and checked the DR racial page and seriously, the 'direct copy of Tolkien' is worse than I imagined.

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Re: Halfling Racial Instruments on 06/13/2016 11:59 AM CDT
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As much as I hate the silly->Olvi relationship 'Jug Band' was the first image the popped into my head when thinking about Olvi instruments.

Any small sized, portable instrument though would be ideal for Olvi.
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Re: Halfling Racial Instruments on 08/31/2016 05:34 PM CDT
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Harmonica or pan flute? I'd love to see harmonica.
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