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Human Culturally Significant Materials - Part 2, Clan-based Significance on 04/17/2018 12:09 PM CDT
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=== Ram Clan ===
telothian - "Telothian" means "earth sword" in Gamgweth. Ram Clan considers weapons or armor made from this metal to be sacred symbols of the Clan's history and virtues, and feel that these armor and weapons only find their true purpose in the possession of one of their Clan's members. Clan traditions state that a disgraced member of the Clan may only rest in death if they are pierced by a blade of pure telothian, else their soul will forever wander the land looking for redemption yet never finding it.

wool - Symbolic of versatility and creation.

sheepskin - Symbolic of Ram Clan itself; worn to signify membership in the Clan.

ram's horn - Symbolic of determination, intelligence, and unity.

steel - Symbolic of protection, honor, and duty.

=== Wolf Clan ===
wolf pelts - Symbolic of Wolf Clan itself; worn to signify membership in the Clan, especially by Chieften and members of their family.

wolf bones - Symbolic of victory, ingenuity, and destiny.

iron - Symbolic of the soil, home, and ability to change/grow stronger.

lupine blossoms - Wolf Clan legend states that this flower first appeared when the Clan formed, and it has become a symbol of agreement, togetherness, and strong bonds between people for the Clan. Frequently present in Wolf Clan wedding items and ceremonies, as well as during negotiations.

=== Shark Clan ===
shark teeth - Symbolic of renewal, growth, power, and the individual members of Shark Clan.

whale bone - In a Shark Clan legend, a ship carrying the founding members of the Clan was swallowed by a whale, which they then ripped open from the inside to escape. Sharks were drawn to the carnage and came to feast of the whale's corpse, leaving behind only the bones, which they did not need. The Humans then took the whale bones and build many things, including spears with which they caught other ocean creatures as food. It was from this experience that the Clan took its name, and also how whale bones became symbolic to them of the cycle of life and death, predator and prey, and the Clan's philosophy to vigorously take whatever they might need, but only as much as is truly needed, so that what is cast off by them may be used by others of the sea.

pearls (any type) - Symbolic of the ocean's beauty, protection, and new things coming from the old. Frequently present in Shark Clan bonding ceremonies, and given as a token between new couples or partnerships of all kinds.

netting (especially that resembling fishing nets) - Symbolic of predation, but also of providing for self and family. In Shark Clan, these concepts are considered inextricably linked.

kiralan - "Kiralan" means "pearl blood" in Gamgweth. Due to its origins, this metal holds most of the symbolism that pearls do for the Clan, but with the added connotation of being particularly blessed in those areas. It is highly prized for weapons and armor by traditionalists in Shark Clan, but some less traditional members have begun creating jewelry with it as well (this is considered very extravagant, bordering on wasteful, by the rest of the Clan).

dried and preserved sea plants - In Shark Clan poetry, sea plants frequently represent deception or quick wits. When preserved and used to create or embellish items, sea plants are seen as symbolic of truth and wisdom, as they are the plants' 'defeated' versions.

driftwood - Symbolic of the whims of the ocean, and creation born from destruction.

=== Dragon Clan ===
dragon's heart ruby - Symbolic of passion (for life, for another person, and/or for one's chosen path), and also used to represent Lanival's teachings.

dragonwood - Dragon Clan legend says that dragonwood only grows in places where the Clan has traveled within the last five years. It is considered to be symbolic of the Clan's travels, and seen as good for protection against attacks while traveling separately from other members of the Clan.

muracite - Symbolic of freedom, death, life, and change.

crystalline dragon tear - Symbolic of the fleetingness of Human life being both a sorrow and a blessing.

dragon fire opal - Symbolic of insight and purity.

honeysuckle - Symbolic of joy, and of the precious treasures found within.

=== Shadow Clan ===
Adan'f skins and bones - Symbolic of being surrounded by, but not succumbing to, corruption.

Skins and bones of any Dark Hand creature that they manage to kill - Symbolic of hope.

shadowleaf - Shadowleaf is a type of plant grown in the Dark Hand by the Humans of Shadow Clan to be harvested for its giant and remarkably sturdy leather-like leaves, which they then use to create light armor.

shadowbark - From the same plants in the Dark Hand that produce shadowleaf, the Humans of Shadow Clan also harvest shadowbark. They find it particularly useful for bow making.

nightstone - Considered the only 'decorative' stone worth having by members of Shadow Clan, nightstone is used as a meditative focus in pre- and post-battle rituals, as well as for its ability to impart invisibility.

=== Harvest Clan ===
yellow gold - Symbolic of fall, the harvest, Harvest Clan itself, peace, and prosperity (note: this symbolism is different in Harvest Clan than that of Human culture more broadly)

white gold - Symbolic of winter, death, mourning, war, and loss

green gold - Symbolic of spring, renewal, growth, pregnancy, children, celebration, and happiness

rose gold - Symbolic of summer, maturity, responsibility, marriage, and love

sun's glory - Harvest Clan uses both the image of this flower as well as preserved versions of the blossoms themselves as a frequent decorative motif. It shares much of the symbolism that they impart to yellow gold, but with the additional aspect of representing family and history.

vilt - Both the reeds and the fabric of the same name are widely used by Harvest Clan, and are seen as representing sacrifice for one's principals.

bee balm - Symbolic of attraction, marriage, calmness, and healing.

- Zelka, Historian of Humanity
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