Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 08:31 AM CDT
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>>P.S. Please, no more silk and enough with the silver fists.

This. I had a rather long debate with a friend, actually, about whether a Kaldar would realistically wear the symbol of the Gorbesh. Given their recent animosity, my position was that it would be akin to an Irish person waving an English flag. Yes, the Irish and English get along fine now, but you should see how prickly the Irish get (understandably!) if someone mistakes them for being a part of the UK. Even the Welsh, who are a part of the UK, would generally not be caught dead with an English flag. (I am naturally talking about the red-and-white flag of England and not the Union Jack flag of the UK.)

Of course, the current Kaldar population is more like the Bostonian descendants of Irish immigrants. But even then I simply cannot imagine anyone picking up an English flag except out of extreme ignorance.

All in all, it would be nice to actually (even just once!) see an item with the Kaldar symbol on it (the white ironwood tree). Maybe they exist but I have never seen them.

>>I'm like a founding member of the "Are they holding a polearm or a trout???!" school of thought re: racial languages.

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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 11:48 AM CDT
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> I'm like a founding member of the "Are they holding a polearm or a trout???!" school of thought re: racial languages.

Yay! The first thing I do whenever I see a new cat-person title is set up a squelch/replace into English. A title is meaningless if you don't know understand it (apply this argument to unknown title reqs, btw). I'm all for racial specific titles, but please make them in plain english.

All hail the Toad of Fate!

~Hunter Hanryu
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 01:56 PM CDT
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>>I'm like a founding member of the "Are they holding a polearm or a trout???!" school of thought re: racial languages.

>look at aetawetata'aeytaetataet

You see an aetawetata'aeytaetataet of the highest quality. Its marohja is exceptional, arcing a graceful line down to the pomain. You could seriously xoarian someone with this thing.

"In our days truth is taken to result from the effacing of the living man behind the mathematical structures that think themselves out in him, rather than he be thinking them." - Emmanuel Levinas
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 02:01 PM CDT
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That's a perfectly cromulent weapon. It embiggens the smallest of us.
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 10:49 PM CDT
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::hisses something about silly smoothskin languages and wanders off::

You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 11:09 PM CDT
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I'd be curious to know how you say snake skin boots in Kaldar?

Khorgar ~ Likes snake skin boots
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 11:13 PM CDT
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As fond as I am of this particular rant, lets get back on topic.

After I get the final word of "Kweejibo".

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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/15/2010 11:44 PM CDT
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Snake = sekani
Skin = klak (Hide = ivide)
Boot = skorni

I leave the grammar as an exercise for the reader since, frankly, I'm not that good at it yet and I'm on a hotel wifi that keeps dropping my connection. Elanthipedia has all the documentation you should need.

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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/16/2010 01:26 AM CDT
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>>I also sent you logs of 3 of the IC Kaldar meetings Belladzia organized. These were very nice for community building and required 0 coding effort so they had a great return on on investment.

I enjoyed these meetings and still have my drinking horn and weapon belt buried somewhere from them.

I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/16/2010 05:41 AM CDT
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>>Snake = sekani
>>Skin = klak (Hide = ivide)
>>Boot = skorni

>>I leave the grammar as an exercise for the reader since, frankly, I'm not that good at it yet and I'm on a hotel >>wifi that keeps dropping my connection. Elanthipedia has all the documentation you should need.


Hah! Awesome.

I don't know. Ivide gives me the impression it'd be used like a suffix so maybe:

Sekani skroniklak or Sekani skroniivide

Sort of like boots of snake skin or boots of snake hide?

Khorgar ~ Hooked on Kaldarphonics
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/16/2010 08:04 AM CDT
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>>After I get the final word of "Kweejibo".

A large ape-like animal with a nasty temper? Or something like that.

~Minstrel Ascot, Musician of M'riss
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/16/2010 10:30 AM CDT
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I'm going to go out on a limb and say that "hide" is appropriate for animals and "skin" is for humanoids. That said, the answer is:

Snakeskin: ivide sekani
Snakeskin boots: skornihi ivide sekani (Imperial Gorbesh), or skorniham ivide sekani (Gnomish Gorbesh)

To be safe, you could go with "boots of snakeskin": skornihi vaz ivide sekani (Imperial Gorbesh), or skorniham vaz ivide sekani (Gnomish Gorbesh)

Grammar is fun. :D
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Re: What is a Kaldar? on 08/16/2010 05:59 PM CDT
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First, welcome Raesh.

Second, Hanryu, I really hope you can find those logs. So much was discussed between Bella and those of us priveleged enough to have our brains picked by her that really needs to be passed on.

Third, Kaldar vs. Human/Gorbesh.

In a really tight nutshell, Kaldaran I view as being more family/ancestrally oriented, whereas Gorbesh, while posessing some modicum of ancestry, are more oriented toward power now rather than who had power yesterday.

As opposed to humans, the obvious physical trait differences have been clearly outlined. I rather liked the drawn comparison to the Qunari, though I do agree that mentality wise the Gorbesh are more akin to the Qunari. However, the over-riding mentality of being superior and not really caring fits both sub-cultures well. Oh, and the relative size is spot on (see Sten standing beside puny Alistair for example).

Lastly, while items and such would be good (Bella and some of us had kicked around some ideas about Kaldaran weaponry and items at one point, though my heart really wasn't in it) I would rather see development of stories and history of the two cultures being put at the fore. See my earlier post from a week or two ago regarding my thoughts on the Kaldaran tribes, which was born from one of the Bella meetings.

I'm looking forward to meeting with you and discussing more of your ideas and thoughts about the greatest yet least developed races in the game.

~Mammoth Rider Maulem Akavame, Death Dealer of Therengia

Telfogli says, "It is the Barbarian who refuses to continue to die who has failed their duty."

The Barbarian Guildleader Les says, "Kill. Don't care what. Make dead.">
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Kaldarans and magic, my thoughts on 08/22/2010 10:20 AM CDT
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Having only ever dabbled into playing MU guilds, you'll have to grant me a grain of salt (or forty) here. But I thought I'd post and put down my views of Kaldarans and Magic, and open up some discussion/debate. I'll work from a very general level, and let you all fill in the detail as you will or will not.

Life Magic- More readily embraced by the Kaldaran peoples as the theory and practice of Life Magic are more closely aligned with general Kaldaran beliefs. The Healing arts and ranger skills/abilities all fit nicely into the theory of the general Kaldaran love and/or coexistence with nature. Many Kaldarans would have natural affinity toward life magic use.

Holy- Not as well understood by Kaldarans compared to life magic, but welcomed/tolerated as a result of being ingrained over the course of generations.

Elemental and Lunar- Not understood by many Kaldarans, even loathed by some. However the use of elemental and lunar magics I see as having been developed through necessity in combatting the Ocular in particular and then having some use in skirmishes with the Empire. First practices may have come about and/or been taught by interactions with gnomish society, where I would think these two particular magic schools would have been more prevalent.

Necromancy- Viewed as an abomination/abhorration by most all Kaldarans due to the perversion of natural order. The cycle of life is interrupted by necromancers through their animation of the dead. First studied by those in elemental/lunar circles who had been outcast. Necromancer Kaldarans I think wouldn't necessarily be against the anti-Gorbesh/anti-Ocular sentiments of their non-Necromancer kin, however the outright/open practice of necromancy would not be something you'd see as a general rule.

So, there are my overall thoughts regarding the various schools of magical thought. Discuss!

~Mammoth Rider Maulem Akavame, Death Dealer of Therengia

Telfogli says, "It is the Barbarian who refuses to continue to die who has failed their duty."

The Barbarian Guildleader Les says, "Kill. Don't care what. Make dead."
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Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 03:09 PM CDT
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I'm curious to know our number. Who among us are playing their Kaldaran character(s) as their primary character? And who are you?

Has anyone already gathered a census of their own? If so, will you share it, please?

Also, someone mentioned in an earlier post about starting up the Gatherings again. I'd be very interested in this - though I'd prefer a Kaldaran crowd, no offense to our Gnomish friends. Though our tie to each other is historic, at this point we're attempting to establish things that make us Kaldaran. An IC gathering of the tribe(s) would be a great refresher course for those of us who've been away or are new to the race. Would anyone else be interested?

~ Sinderra (player of)
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 03:27 PM CDT
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A snapshot of Prime I just took puts Kaldar at 5%.

Hey, we beat Rakash! And uh... Rakash.

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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 03:48 PM CDT
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Since you're the one 'awake' right now...have you rolled a Kaldar yet? Will you? He can be our shaman. Final vote of the elders and all that.

Still looking for the 'who' part of the snapshot. Who are you, brothers and sisters? And are you the primary?

~ Sinderra (player of)
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 03:58 PM CDT
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>>I'm curious to know our number. Who among us are playing their Kaldaran character(s) as their primary character? And who are you?

Pureblade's a "Kaldar"-identifying Gorbesh.

His backstory is that he's an expat Gorbesh soldier. After realizing that the Gorbesh War wasn't something he could respect Albaria doing (and that Kermorians can't tell Gorbesh and Kaldar apart), he just stuck around after the war and told everyone he was a Kaldar if they asked. He's a bit more comfortable with saying he's Gorbesh these days, though, and has become reacquainted with worshiping Tieheq along with Chadatru.

The last month or so I've been working on my Gnome necromancer, though. At least I'm keeping it Albarian?
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 04:24 PM CDT
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>>have you rolled a Kaldar yet? Will you?

I actually had one prior to be appointed the Kaldar Champion. I just haven't introduced you yet.

>>Pre Kaldar "kaldar".

I'll try and address this in some coming stuff.


Seems reasonable, though I think people might be a little more accepting of Gorbesh then they should be based on the background. Meh. Not gonna take a whack at that hornet's nest right now.

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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 05:27 PM CDT
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heh, you'll remember my dwarven cleric, who lived thru the gorbesh wars and takes great issue with the sacrilege of those who destroyed the temple, denounced you as a gorbesh "heathen" to vorclaf. :-) Good times. Carry on!

i do have a couple of kaldar characters, but i haven't really fleshed them out < as I tend to gravitate towards playing either s'kra or dwarves for the most part.>. both of 'em are paladins. tally ho!

You've seen life through distorted eyes;You know you had to learn;The execution of your mind;You really had to turn;,the book is read,The end begins to show,The truth is out, the lies are old, But you don't want to know - Black Sabbath

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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 05:44 PM CDT
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Maulem is most definitely my prime, and in HIS prime to boot. Heh.

As far as backstory, to make it brief, he's the son of a Kaldaran farm woman and a Gorbesh soldier who went on to become an officer in the Army of the Empire. Da' was gone to the war, Ma got sick and sent him along with family friends on the Exodus. He married on the trip, and lost his wife later in the trip in an accident in the Dragon Spine. He withdrew into a walking coma state after that, was left in Leth by those he traveled with, and was made better by an elven family in Leth before continuing to Crossing to join the Barb Guild.

Eh, so much for brief. It does bring up a good point, though. Or rather, a question.

Of the peoples who attempted the trip from Albaria, either in the Exodus or at other times, what percentage would seem a likely one for survival rate? The passage through the Stormcrest mountains, the Hand, Illithi, and the Dragon Spine seem frought with some pretty difficult conditions. I would say a survival rate of 60% or less, in my guess.

~Mammoth Rider Maulem Akavame, Death Dealer of Therengia

Telfogli says, "It is the Barbarian who refuses to continue to die who has failed their duty."

The Barbarian Guildleader Les says, "Kill. Don't care what. Make dead.">
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 07:17 PM CDT
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My primary character is Eyuve, a Kaldar. I won't say any more about her; better to meet her in person.

And yeah, Eyuve would turn up to a gathering, assuming I can make it (I live in the UK so it has to be pretty early US time).
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 08:21 PM CDT
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Right now I'm playing Parsala, a bard. Parsala is Gorbesh.

I jump around a lot. I play in two instances and I play many characters, but as of this moment, I'd classify Parsala as my main.

Math that does not involve hypercubes and Cthulhu is covered in Scholarship.
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 08:34 PM CDT
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Well, I know you're asking about main characters, but I'll toss my alt, Xalahai, into the mix. He was my main for a while but has been on a bit of a hermitage for the last few months. Kaldar are my second favorite race to play, so I'm sure when I get some more motivation to do something with him I'll dust him off again.

He's a paladin who self-identifies as Gorbesh, but is much more likely to let himself be accepted as a Kaldar and leave it at that. No need to make unnecessary waves.

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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 09:06 PM CDT
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> I think people might be a little more accepting of Gorbesh then they should be based on the background. Meh. Not gonna take a whack at that hornet's nest right now.

I'm always confused when GMs post stuff like this. Of course folks are accepting of Gorbesh (or just about any sort of 'evil' role-play). On the good-guy side: you either put up with it or you get banned for policy violations. On the bad-guy side: real lasting consequences for your bits of text suck as you still pay-to-play.

~Hunter Hanryu
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 09:14 PM CDT
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That's not entirely what I meant.

I will say there are very valid ways to show disapproval of someone or deal with "evil" players without getting in the way of policy. There have been some very good discussions of it recently on the forums and IG.

Anyhow, as I said - I rather not kick that particular hornet's nest right now. I was just saying if you consider "the masses of nameless NPCs" while necromancers have certainly passed the Gorbesh as the most recent horror to slay an absurd number of them, the Gorbesh are still really high up there on the Bad Guys list and "People you wouldn't want to show up to a polite dinner".

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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 10:18 PM CDT
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At the same time, the Gorbesh War was, what, 40+ years ago DR-timeline-wise?

Not that 40+ years is forever ago, but at the same time I think the outrage at Albarians (specifically Gorbesh) has fallen to the wayside to things like Elpazi, S'lai, Pirates, Outcast, Ocular, Necromancers, Inquisitors, etc.
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/25/2010 10:47 PM CDT
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As I said, there's a few people higher up the list than Gorbesh on the "hated groups" but that doesn't mean Gorbesh aren't on the list. Consider 40 years isn't that long when the build up to the war was longer then that if I'm recalling the time line properly. Old fashion wars could last a LOOOOOOOONG time, and 40 years isn't even long enough for the veterans of the war to die off (Never mind the long lived races!).

I'm going to avoid modern RL comparisons here since most of the ones people could identify are almost certainly going to derail us into conversations not fit for these forums, and I ask that if people wish to continue this discussion they do the same.

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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/26/2010 12:10 AM CDT
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Hello everyone, my main is Craetos. And welcome back Jerecis long time glad to see you back

Oderint Dum Metuant
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/26/2010 12:41 AM CDT
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My Kaldar is Aourn. Unless you hunt celps you won't see him for another month or two.

I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer
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Re: Kaldaran Census and Tuesday's Thoughts on 08/26/2010 02:57 AM CDT
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There you go. We beat Gor'Togs and Rakash in the most recent census. It doesn't go into the guilds by race or gender of character. I'm assuming the information on the website proper is accurate. It does give a good idea of how many Kaldar players there are. It seems once you get out of Humans, Elves, Elotheans, and Prydaen the numbers start getting pretty similar.

Anyway, I currently just play Risty. I used to have an Elven Moon Mage who I'd love to reactivate but financially it can't be done right now. I played her for a few months some years back, reactivated about two years ago, and had to cancel again (all together played for less than six months). Since I liked hunting with her I decided I wanted a Barbarian. I've been relearning the game and have only been playing her for two months.

Risty is a Kemorian Kaldar from a semi nomadic settlement camp. Her mother is a courtesan, father unknown, but estimated to be either a murderer or the petty thief. She's an only child. The brother of one of the two men used to visit her growing up and he was a Barbarian. The manager and other courtesans mostly raised her. Once she was strong enough, she went to join the Barbarian guild. She's actually a bit afraid of magic and will only use a moon gate in an emergency, as she's afraid it will steal a piece of her soul. So she goes on nice long boat trips. She’s currently in Hib fighting Imps and Bucca as I've been avoiding going to Ratha in part because of that long boat trip (and mostly waiting for the boat).

I could see one of the four tribes not fully submitting to Gorbesh rule, I can also see all four tribes pretty much happily becoming part of the Gorbesh empire as well. I wouldn't object either way, yet I'm under the assumption that Kaldar will be considered new as Gnomes have the whole trying to rediscovering their past angle as well.

I think there should be some meetings Kaldar, some just Gnomes with their champion, and some for the both of us. I think it's important to have both groups establish their own identities, yet at the same time make sure we're at the same place lore wise and keep the unique relationship.
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Re: Kaldaran Census and Tuesday's Thoughts on 08/26/2010 04:20 AM CDT
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Actually... the most recent census was the one I ran this morning ::grin::. The one where 'Togs beat Kaldar. Only Rakash were lower.

Elves (21%)
Humans (18%)
Elotheans (13%)
Prydaen (7%)
Halflings (6%)
Gnome (6%)
S'kra Mur (5%)
Gor'Togs (5%)
Dwarves (5%) (Tied with 'Togs)
Kaldar (5%)
Rakash (4%)

(And, yes, I know it looks like a tie due to rounding, but trust me, it isn't.)

Thems the breaks.

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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/26/2010 12:50 PM CDT
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My main (and actually only) character is Broichan, a Kaldaran Bard. Since I'm also relatively new to not just the character but also the game, I'm still working on developing his history, but it's currently based around being born to a pair of Kaldar that eventually ended up in the Arid Steppe after the migration from Albaria, as he's only about 21 years old. Still workin' on it!
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/26/2010 03:13 PM CDT
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My main is a Kaldar named Fedricio. He is a gypsy.

Just to be contrary, he doesn't REALLY identify with either Gorbesh OR Kaldar. He was born after the war and as such had no real memory of Gorbesh other than the horror stories he was told by elders when they were explaining the motiviation behind their exodus. Also, he doesn't feel much of a connection to pre-Gorbesh Albarian traditions on account of he has never been there, and as such decided to join the circus when it rolled through the settlement he was born in, hoping a tour of the provinces would help him find a place in this "new" world that he could call his own.

Think second generation German-American born in the 50's. Nothing to root you to your heritage and lots of racism to encourage you to suppress your cultural identity. Or Irish-Americans in Mark Twain books.

He identifies as a gypsy.

And a drunk.

~Player of Fedricio
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Re: Kaldaran Census and Tuesday's Thoughts on 08/26/2010 04:46 PM CDT
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Thanks to everyone who has responded so far! If you haven't yet, please do.

Thanks also to Raesh for the snapshot. Folks love numbers. But I'm not looking for the percentage of Kaldar vrs everyone else. I'm wanting to know who we are and whether or not your Kaldar is your primary character. Back in the early days, we had a list of who's who but all my notes are long since gone. (Back up DR info? Why?? Oh...I see. ::grunt::)

Thanks also to those sharing the bits of their history as well. How we've actually been playing our character should be useful - at least on some level - when it comes to sorting out the future of the race as a whole, be it lore, verbs, items, settlement, or event(s).

~ Sinderra (player of)
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/30/2010 02:53 AM CDT
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You are Bravasian, a Kaldaran Paladin.
You have green eyes. Your amber hair is short and thick, and is worn loose. You have weathered skin.
You are young.
You are clean shaven.
You are in good shape.

You are holding a wood-hilted broadsword in your right hand.
You are wearing some embossed leather bracers, a front-laced leather tunic, some drab leather breeches, a carved wooden amulet and a rough leather-clasped carpetbag.

This idea may have worked in another time and another place, but here it immediately fell on its face and went "Durp durp." - Armifer
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Re: Kaldaran Census on 08/30/2010 04:12 PM CDT
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>>> You are Bravasian, a Kaldaran Paladin.


~Sinderra (and the player of)
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Belladzia-era Kaldar info on 09/03/2010 06:14 PM CDT
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Raesh I don't know if you were looking for any of it but Maulem told me to toss you a post here about it. I'm on a new computer so unfortunately my logs of the meetings n' such from when she was around are lost but I've got most of the inventory from Albarian Imports, some of the meeting items and pretty much all of the drink from the meetings she held if you want to take a look at it. I've also got a decent memory of what we talked about with her in terms of race-progression so I'll help in whatever I can. Just bug me in-game if you need or drop me an email at if you've got the time and inclination.

Also I don't know if I should be posting about it here but I've got a voucher from Unorina from before and didn't know if you'd be honoring them since they're racial in nature or if I should just head to the standard alteration GM for dead vouchers. Thanks!

Oritai Jerecis S'Onser'ei, Fist of the Empire
-player of
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Re: Belladzia-era Kaldar info on 09/03/2010 06:21 PM CDT
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You can email me anything you have that you feel might be useful re: Kaldar, though I think I've collected most of what I'm going to find. I just need to find the time to make heads or tales (har!) out of it.

As for the voucher, your best bet would be to treat it like any other old voucher and hunt down an alterer who will accept them. I, currently, do not run any merchants who would be particularly favorable to them.

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Why Kaldar? on 09/04/2010 02:22 AM CDT
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I asked this question at the end of the second meeting (just me, Raesh, and I think Aleph-One) and gave Raesh my blessing to ask it here, but with the various stats given and Eostre's questions it seems like this is the next natural question:

Why did you choose Kaldar? This question is also open to those who play Gorbesh or have Kaldar that are not their primary.

S'Kra have nearly identical stats, Gor'Togs are taller, Charisma is often considered a dump stat in many guilds, and Humans are just a little shorter. I think it's an important question since the race is often overlooked, gives Raesh an idea what we're about and hopefully helps with his three big questions.

I chose Kaldar because I wanted a Barbarian and had the image of an amazon woman. I thought the blurb on Kaldar made for a good solid Barbarian and already have some races scream certain professions at me even though I haven't created them. I liked the fact that there were only small buffs and penalties instead of some of the min/max of some of the other races but wasn't interested in playing a Human. The refugee status of Kaldar interested me and in some ways made it easier to get into the game than playing a full native.
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