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Kaldar Cultural Weapons on 10/20/2020 08:54 AM CDT
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I was thinking about how Kaldars need a cultural weapon. I'd like to see if anyone else has any ideas too. Please share if you do.

Here is my idea:

Name: Agitekruka

Translation: Agitekruka translates to Mighty Hammer in Gorbesh. Agitek = Hammer, Ruka = Mighty

Weapon Type: Two-handed blunt/Heavy Thrown

Description and Lore:

The agitekruka is a long two-handed hammer with a massive metal head. The haft is typically very ornate and carved with prayers. It can be used at melee as a twohanded blunt or thrown. An agitekruka is typically given as a gift as a Kaldar reaches adulthood or as an award. It was used to fight Ocular on the Western Front in Albaria. Before skirmishes, Kaldar shaman bless the agitekruka so it's aim would be true.


Tap: a massive agitekruka with an ironwood haft

Look: Multiple steel bands embedded down the agitekruka's ironwood haft separate prayers for strength. Stamped into the metal of the weapon's massive head is the globe with spears radiating from its center.

Notes: The name seems a little clunky, but so is svidaw sis and hhr'ata. I thought about shortening it to just ruka. I'll admit that the weapon type is something that I really want - 2handed blunt/thrown. It kind of reminds me Thor.
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Re: Kaldar Cultural Weapons on 10/20/2020 12:26 PM CDT
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>I was thinking about how Kaldars need a cultural weapon.

The slaughtersword is a Kaldaran weapon. No reason they can't have more though.
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Re: Kaldar Cultural Weapons on 10/20/2020 05:51 PM CDT
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I was hoping for something a little bit more obtainable that an auction item.

Ciles Siyinshuma
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Re: Kaldar Cultural Weapons on 10/20/2020 08:11 PM CDT
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>I was hoping for something a little bit more obtainable that an auction item.

>[...] No reason they can't have more though.

I think the point being made was there's not a need for a new noun, just need more lower tier release of the already existing Kaldar racial weapon.

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors." -Raesh
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Re: Kaldar Cultural Weapons on 10/21/2020 10:36 PM CDT
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I'd enjoy a slaughtersword that is microtransaction-grade. Racial weapons have been released as such before like the dwarven tunneler's axe.
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