Perception and Favors on 06/06/2015 08:07 PM CDT
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So I hit 3rd circle, got yelled at by the guild leader about not having favors and figured I'd trot my way out to the stone to start getting favors...and couldn't search out the path to enter the S'lai area with 17 ranks of Perception.

Any way the skill check could be reduced so new Prydaen can get to the only functional altar near Crossing?

Usually when I observe people PvPing it is a problem with their stat assignment being much less than their opponent, and more often than not their opponent has higher skills than they were expecting. - Kodius

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time. - Sun Tzu
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Re: Perception and Favors on 06/08/2015 10:26 AM CDT
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>>Any way the skill check could be reduced so new Prydaen can get to the only functional altar near Crossing?

It's a random percentage failure, there's no skill check on that particular one. In fact, I've dropped the skillcheck from the one into bucca, also, since it seems that the higher the skill required, the higher the failure rate went. I keep meaning to adjust the code itself so it's less dumb.

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Re: Perception and Favors on 06/09/2015 06:36 AM CDT
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Thanks for looking into it! I keep trying every 10 ranks or so, still walking around favorless.

Usually when I observe people PvPing it is a problem with their stat assignment being much less than their opponent, and more often than not their opponent has higher skills than they were expecting. - Kodius

Know your enemy and know yourself, find naught in fear for 100 battles. Know yourself but not your enemy, find level of loss and victory. Know thy enemy but not yourself, wallow in defeat every time. - Sun Tzu
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Re: Perception and Favors on 06/09/2015 07:28 AM CDT
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>> It's a random percentage failure, there's no skill check on that particular one.

I'm a little curious if there's still a skill/stat/circle check hidden somewhere, potentially in an ancillary script, because with over 100 Perception I find these paths/trails every single time, but with less than 40 ranks I can search non-stop for several minutes with no hope.


"Q: This is stupid. / Work on something we actually need changed! / Why aren't you working on something I want you to work on?
"A: Kindly shut up." ~ GM Naohhi
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Re: Perception and Favors on 06/09/2015 08:31 PM CDT
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>>I'm a little curious if there's still a skill/stat/circle check hidden somewhere, potentially in an ancillary script, because with over 100 Perception I find these paths/trails every single time, but with less than 40 ranks I can search non-stop for several minutes with no hope.

I think there are also times when the path is searched but isn't showing in the room, so you keep failing because it already exists.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Perception and Favors on 06/25/2015 11:16 PM CDT
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Three different characters I know of were unable to find it without 50 ranks of perception. I think one of them managed once with about 45. I don't know how many times they sat there trying over and over again. Whatever the coding is now, however it's supposed to work--you DO need 50 ranks to find the path on your own, reliably.

It's pretty upsetting, since if you train everything equally, by the time you can get to S'lai scouts, you don't really learn from fighting them.
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Re: Perception and Favors on 06/25/2015 11:23 PM CDT
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>> It's pretty upsetting, since if you train everything equally, by the time you can get to S'lai scouts, you don't really learn from fighting them.

Yup. I was eager to hunt S'lai, but couldn't get past the path until I was beyond them.


Kneebiter Zhunee just arrived.
Zhunee glances around the room and says, "Someone pull my finger."
Kneebiter Zhunee runs west.
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