Liavir guides us to Silverclaw Hub in the Forest of Night on 07/09/2015 09:50 PM CDT
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7/9/2015 ~8pm CST

Noahhi's official announcement post of the release of Silverclaw Hub and new hunting grounds and a link to a temporary map of the area:

Log of Liavir guiding us to Sivlerclaw Hub in the Forest of Night, also known as the Endrus Forest.

[Endrus Forest, Crossroads]
A stand of lofty ironwood trees chokes the winding road which narrows to barely a wagon's width. Thick, bulbous roots snake over the earth, and gnarled branches twist overhead nearly blotting out the sky. Odd noises and beastly grunts drift from the malevolent shadows, lending truth to the bardic myths of a haunted forest along the trade route. You also see a black panther that is sitting.
Also here: Archivist Linett, Mathematician Buwan, Natural Assassin Oltock, Death Hand Zevox, Wildwood Summoner Keroo, Grand Master Warrior Mage Xionara, Visionist Miskton, Divine Avenger Sendithu, Range Master Tathalus, Hunter Mhisra, Tender Nakori, Deadly Hunter Zenrya, Rayureko and Night Hunter Liavir.
Obvious paths: southwest, northwest.

Rayureko says to Buwan, "I was here to introduce Liavir, leader of Silverclaw."

Rayureko points at Liavir.

You see Night Hunter Liavir, a Prydaen.
Liavir has a triangular face, tufted pointed ears, cat-slitted crystal green eyes and a crooked nose. His dark brown mane is shoulder length and thick. He has sepia fur with brown points, a straight tail and a lean build.
He is tall for a Prydaen.
He appears to be young.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing some dark leathers, a woven reed bundle, a silver claw earring, some black leather leggings and a dark linen mra'sin patterned like fallen leaves.

Rayureko says, "He'll be traveling with interested parties through the woods."

Nakori meekly asks, "Will it be very dangerous? Do we need armour?"

Liavir says, "You might want armor. You also might want an escape route in mind if you don't have someone along with you that will help you fight."

Liavir says, "If you get separated, be careful. We won't be coming back for you."

Jofka moves into position to block attacks against Rayureko!

Rayureko hugs Jofka, who wraps his arms around Rayureko with a warm smile.

Rayureko says to Jofka, "I won't be going along."

Keroo asks, "What....troubles...are expected?"

Liavir says, "Walking trees."

Grift says, "The Forest of Night is trouble. There is no expecting, only certainty."

Xionara softly asks, "Is there a chance we'll see that mad woman?" (Sithsia)

Liavir says, "For your health, I hope not."

Xionara nods to Liavir.

Rayureko pats Liavir on the back.

Rayureko says, "You all try to be safe."

Rayureko waves.

You hear a voice say, "Safe is overrated."

Nakori meekly says, " really is not."

Tathalus says, "Safe is an absence of fun."

Liavir grins at Tathalus.

Liavir says, "You're not bad, for an Elothean."

Liavir nods to Tathalus.

Liavir asks, "Shall we begin our journey?"

Liavir says, "For those of you newly arrived, I am Liavir, leader of the Silverclaw Hub. I'll be getting us lost tonight."

Linett slowly asks, "Lost?"

Liavir says, "The forest can be confusing and you can easily end up not going where you intend. It'll likely happen to us."

Night Hunter Liavir's group wandered into some malevolent shadows.

[Forest of Night, Path]
Black trees stand silent guard over the path as it winds its way through the forest. From an unseen perch, a night owl cries out, its shrieks of You also see a weed-choked trail and a dark opening in the greenery.
Also here: Arcane Fury Witchbaby who is surrounded by a ring of jagged stone spears at melee range, Archivist Linett,
Navigator Grift, Wildwood Summoner Keroo, Range Master Tathalus, Visionist Miskton, Grand Master Warrior Mage Xionara, Grand Inquisitor Liurilias who is emanating a bright holy aura, Deadly Hunter Zenrya, Death Hand Zevox, Mathematician Buwan, Tender Nakori, Hunter Mhisra, Holy Warrior Jofka, Blood Dancer Sirus, Priestess Shaidval who is emanating a bright holy aura, Ephic who is emanating a bright holy aura, Butcher Laleh, Guerilla Envey, Ferryman Vendelt, Intolerant Faragin, Thorn of the Rose Tyrrum and Night Hunter Liavir.
Obvious paths: south.

Night Hunter Liavir's group wandered down a weed-choked trail.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The trees grow close together, as if trying to halt your progress through the woods. To the west, the path leads up to what would appear to be a well-traveled road, or, at least, a road better traveled than this one, while to the southeast the trail continues to skirt the outer wood of the forest.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.

You follow Liavir southeast.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The light is almost totally gone, blocked out by the close-growing canopy. Only the glitter of exposed earth where the trail is worn down and bits of reflective minerals shine through keeps you from becoming irrevocably lost. You also see a cougar.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

You follow Liavir northeast.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The haunting cry of a bird of prey ripples through the forest, sounding from somewhere far away. The foliage above you stirs at the passage of some tree-dwelling creature, disturbing the leaves and causing a few to shower down on your head.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.

You follow Liavir east.

[Forest of Night, Silent Glade]
The trees quietly shuffle aside here, moving a graceful step back to allow the glade plenty of room. Grass carpets the forest floor, shimmering darkly in the dim light of the evening. A ring of mushrooms circles a mossy hollow nearby, releasing spore to float on a gentle night breeze.
Obvious paths: southeast, west.

You follow Liavir southeast.

[Forest of Night, Silent Glade]
Light reflects faintly off the remains of a column of polished white marble. A clinging white mist swirls thickly in the center of the glade, all but obscuring the ground.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

You follow Liavir southeast.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The trees form a living wall about you, making deviation from the path impossible. In a way, this is a good thing as the forest is now so dark that you can only find your way through by feeling along the trees. Pale white mist swirls on the ground, giving the trees an eerie glow but not lending enough light to see by.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

You follow Liavir southeast.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The leaves of the tall ironwood trees all but melt into the inky sky. A thick mist rises nearly two feet off the forest floor, carpeting everything in a blanket of white and emitting an odd, pale nimbus. You also see a blood dryad.
Obvious paths: southwest, northwest.

You follow Liavir southwest.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The trees of the forest stand about you, their trunks glistening black and their leaves shimmering as a forest breeze passes through them. Oddly, rather than the normal whisper that usually accompanies leaf against leaf, the sound this foliage makes is metallic in nature. You also see a blood dryad and a blood dryad.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast.

You follow Liavir southeast.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
Two of the trees bend toward each other here, creating a living doorway that opens up on more forest. The path winds onward, tripping a thin line between the deeper, thicker clusters of the inner wood and the looser, more open growth of the outer grove. You also see a blood dryad and a blood dryad.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

You follow Liavir south.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
Somewhere to the south you hear the soft roar of a river. The only thing that muffles this sound is the occasional squawk from one of the ravens that roosts in the trees above you, or the crunch of the leaves coming from your own feet. You also see a cougar.
Obvious paths: north, south.

You follow Liavir south.

[Forest of Night, Broken Shrine]
The forest pulls aside to give plenty of room to the tiny building that occupies this clearing. Made of granite and
black-veined gray marble, it seems a wonder that anything could have shattered it. Grass and moss grows out of the cracked stones, and the darkened doorway of its entrance gapes open in slack-jawed awe. You also see a blood dryad, a blood dryad and a cougar.
Obvious paths: north, southwest.

You follow Liavir southwest.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The black leaves of the trees shimmer with a metallic sheen, and the trunks stand straight and upright, like the poles of spears. The path seems to fork toward the southeast here, but the hope of another road is a false one, as the deviating trail eventually fades off into forest too thick to walk through. You also see a blood dryad.
Obvious paths: northeast, southeast, west.

You follow Liavir southeast.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The secretive whispering of the wind that shakes the trees is unnerving and a little sinister. Tendrils of raevelthorn reach out from the low brush, creating barely visible caltrops that all but vanish in the dark grass.
Obvious paths: southeast, northwest.

You follow Liavir southeast.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
The rustle of leaves cuts like a knife through the uneasy silence, followed swiftly by the flurry of wings as ravens take flight through the shadows, melting seamlessly into the gloom. A thick mist flows around the tree trunks, stopping with curious precaution by the side of the path that winds through the wood, as if it feared to tread there. You also see a blood dryad and a blood dryad.
Obvious paths: south, northwest.

You follow Liavir south.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
Dark boughs and trunks hunch miserably over the path or against each other, some so warped that they have grown together in convoluted twists that make it hard to trace with the eye where one begins and the other ends. The ground that marks the trail has been pulled up and scraped away with surgical purity, leaving nothing but stark, packed black earth where the eldritch life of the forest once harbored its plants and took root.
Obvious paths: north, south.

You follow Liavir south.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
Ironwood trees grow thickly to the left and right, cloaked in robes of powdery grey moss that drape from their boughs and branches with all the elegance of a rain-dampened cat. Thick black-green grass grows at the base of the trees, and raevelthorn creepers -- stripped of their treacherous thorns -- create a criss-cross pattern over the bare earth that marks the path through the forest.
Obvious paths: north, southwest.

You follow Liavir southwest.

[Forest of Night, Outer Woods]
Thick layers of leaves and sweeping boughs compound the darkness, transmuting night to nightmare. The path through the wood grinds southward, moving inexorably toward a wall of churning mist, where it is swallowed whole. A grouping of trees eat up the northeast bend in the path, obfuscating what may lay beyond.
Obvious paths: northeast.

Liavir steps through the mist and vanishes.

You step through the mist....

(Pale Grey Death Spirits here)

[Forest of Night, Murky Woods]
Black matte trunks grow aimlessly about you, their branches creating a curtain of thick leaves and shadows. The light is just enough to make you wish for more, and dim enough to make every tree look like the next. You also see a pile of moldy leaves.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, southwest.

You follow Liavir east.

[Forest of Night, Murky Woods]
Black matte trunks grow aimlessly about you, their branches creating a curtain of thick leaves and shadows. The light is just enough to make you wish for more, and dim enough to make every tree look like the next.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, southwest, west.

You follow Liavir east.

[Forest of Night, Murky Woods]
Black matte trunks grow aimlessly about you, their branches creating a curtain of thick leaves and shadows. The light is just enough to make you wish for more, and dim enough to make every tree look like the next. You also see a pale grey death spirit and a pale grey death spirit.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south, southwest, west.

You follow Liavir east.

[Forest of Night, Murky Woods]
Black matte trunks grow aimlessly about you, their branches creating a curtain of thick leaves and shadows. The light is just enough to make you wish for more, and dim enough to make every tree look like the next. You also see a pale grey death spirit.
Obvious paths: east, south, southwest, west.

You follow Liavir east.

[Forest of Night, Murky Woods]
Black matte trunks grow aimlessly about you, their branches creating a curtain of thick leaves and shadows. The light is just enough to make you wish for more, and dim enough to make every tree look like the next. You also see a dark valley, a black panther, a pale grey death spirit, a pale grey death spirit, a pale grey death spirit and a pale grey death spirit.

>go valley

(Dryad Priestesses here)

[Forest of Night, Willow Valley]
Permeated by a dense miasma and greenish fog, the forest here is left dim and much of the area is obscured by large weeping bloodwood and willow trees. Rising to a small hill, the path parts beneath a split tree. You also see some murky woods, a dryad priestess, a dryad priestess and a dryad priestess.
Also here: Night Hunter Liavir.
Obvious paths: northeast, east, southeast.Obvious paths: southwest, west.

You follow Liavir northeast
[Forest of Night, Willow Valley]
Breaking through the murky air, the occasional branch of a nearby willow tree crosses the path. Echoes of dripping water and something scuttling in the brush nearby only seems to highlight the lack of any indigenous creatures. You also see a dryad priestess, a footpath, a dryad priestess, a dryad priestess, a dryad priestess and a dryad priestess.
Obvious paths: southeast, south, southwest.

Night Hunter Liavir's group went down a footpath.

[Forest of Night, Tangled Bosk]
Warped and twisted bloodwood trees rise out of the darkness of the forest, sprawling their draping limbs overhead and
blotting out the sky. A tangled snarl of bushes cut off several directions, leaving only a few paths available. You also see a footpath.
Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

You follow Liavir northwest.

[Forest of Night, Tangled Bosk]
Winding through the shade of the forest, the trail disappears into the gloom betwixt the spindly and abnormal willow and bloodwood trees here. Intermittent shadows dart through the forest, just out of immediate view.
Obvious paths: north, northeast, east, southeast.Obvious paths: northeast, northwest.

You follow Liavir north.

[Forest of Night, Tangled Bosk]
Rising up to the north, a dense grove of ancient redwood trees appears. Along the treeline, a dark platform hangs just out of immediate view. Thick shrubbery brings a halt to the trail here. You also see a tree.
Obvious paths: east, southeast, south.

Liavir points at a tree.

Liavir says, "Everyone up."

Keroo says, "Ghosts and tree thingies geze."

>climb tree

[Silverclaw Hub, Entry Platform]
Situated high in the grove, brief flickers of light and movement reveal that this particular platform is only a small part of the hidden Hub. Opening expansively around a central hut, the platform is populated by wandering Prydaen. A nearby Prydaen woman helps others to ascend or descend from the platform. You also see a tree trunk and a central hut marked with a triquetra.
Obvious paths: southeast, southwest.

Night Hunter Liavir climbed up a tree trunk.

You see Night Hunter Liavir, a Prydaen.
Liavir has a triangular face, tufted pointed ears, cat-slitted crystal green eyes and a crooked nose. His dark brown mane is shoulder length and thick. He has sepia fur with brown points, a straight tail and a lean build.
He is tall for a Prydaen.
He appears to be young.
He is in good shape.

He is holding a curved silver kanabu in his right hand.
He is wearing some dark leathers, a woven reed bundle, a silver claw earring, some black leather leggings and a dark linen mra'sin patterned like fallen leaves.

Liavir says, "I didn't find any others, I think we have everyone now."

Grift says, "Your navigating is better than my navigating."

Liavir grins at Grift.

Liavir says, "I grew up here."

Liavir says, "I sort of have to know my way around."

Xionara softly says, "So it's into the mist, then into the valley, and then up the tree."

Liavir says, "You forgot the footpath."

Liavir says, "Now then, I won't lead the way in, as we have several non Prydaen with us, but the hut here is where you'll find the Claw members Vaelorn, Bailon, and Seryal."

Buwan points at a central hut marked with a triquetra.

Liavir says, "You're free to visit them and ask them things." (Prydaen are free to that is)

Liavir points at a central hut marked with a triquetra.

Liavir says, "Moving on though.."

Mhisra asks, "Are there sections here for only Prydaen?"

Buwan says, "The hut."

Liavir says, "Only the Hut is restricted to Prydaen."

Liavir says, "We have a few other areas we do not allow anyone into, but the rest of the place is free."

Grift asks, "Do you have any rocks up here to drop on spirits and priestesses?"

Liavir says, "Some of the young ones might.

Liavir says, "Now then.."

You follow Liavir southwest.

[Silverclaw Hub, Sleeping Hut]
Thick wooden walls are lined with pelts, keeping the hut warm while deadening the interior from sounds outside. A small wash basin and pitcher sit atop a low table that rests near a stack of pallets. Several other pallets filled with slumbering occupants appear throughout the quiet area.
Obvious exits: northeast, south.

Liavir says, "Over here, we have some pallets and a table with some water."

Liavir says, "You're free to rest here whenever you wish."

Liavir points at a stack of clean pallets.

Liavir points at a low table.

You follow Liavir south.

[Silverclaw Hub, Crafting Hut]
The rich smell of redwood permeates the area, bringing a sense of calm to the busy hut that is built around an expansive tree. Baskets of supplies are stacked near the walls and tanning hides are stretched taunt on racks. Several stations are set up in the area, where gathered Prydaen work on projects. You also see a bin full of projects.
Obvious exits: north, east.

Liavir says, "On the far side of the Hub, our crafters have set up a bin of trinkets you all may purchase if you wish."

Grift hands the sales clerk some coins.

Liavir says, "I'm told there has been some curiousity about us selling kanabu, we're looking into supplies for it."

Jofka asks Liavir, "Might be you teach us how to make them ourselves would be easier?"

Liavir says, "This has also be considered."

The following items contain goods for sale:

a bin full of projects

In the bin, you see:

a braided sinew necklace strung with carved bone beads for 187 copper Kronars
a wolfskin pouch heavy with bloodwood beading for 375 copper Kronars
a thick tanned belt strung with dark feathers for 437 copper Kronars
a sturdy woven hemp backpack strung with squirrel tails for 812 copper Kronars

Liavir says, "I think a few of you might have.. had coins."

Liavir gazes at his claws.

Liavir exclaims, "Moving on!"

You follow Liavir east.

[Siilverclaw Hub, Lookout]
Covered only by a truncated roof, the platform here is open to the elements, allowing the Prydaen to scout the forest for potential food or danger. The platform extends out slightly underneath an overhanging branch, providing a way to access a wooden-seated swing that someone has installed.
Obvious paths: north, west.

Linett gives Liavir a most suspicious look.

Liavir says, "Now this is the only area that is uncovered, for the most part."

Linett gazes up at the sky.

Liavir says, "This is also where several young people love to test their courage."

Liavir points at a wooden-seated swing.

Liavir asks, "Shall we continue?"

You follow Liavir north.

[Silverclaw Hub, Warriors Treehouse]
Half walls surround the treehouse itself, providing a safe walkway and a route for patrolling warriors. Set up in several nearby branches are cunning snares, some wriggling with unlucky squirrels. Prydaen warriors chat with each other, work on their weapons, and idly lounge across the area. You also see a creaking bridge.
Obvious exits: south, northwest.

Liavir says, "Over here, many of our warriors like to gather and work on their weapons. They also provide a sentry for the

bridge leading to the center of the Hub."

Liavir says, "Also, we do have several snares here that are likely to have squirrels."

Liavir points at a snare with a wounded squirrel stuck in it.

Jofka dangles a little squirrel by one of its front paws for a moment, then bites off its hind end, making the squirrel squeal in agony.

Jofka pops the remaining half of a little squirrel into his mouth, ignoring its squealing with a look of pure pleasure on his face.

Ephic rubs a wounded squirrel.

Night Hunter Liavir's group went across a creaking bridge.

[Silverclaw Hub, Central Treehouse]
Built into the sprawling canopy of a shorter tree, the central platform features a large firepit. Several young Prydaen run through the area, squealing and making various babyish mewling sounds at each other while a handful of Elders watch over them with a tolerant expression. Nearby warriors feign negligence, but fiercely approach any that get too close to the playing kits. You also see a creaking bridge.
Obvious exits: none.

Liavir says, "Now over here, is the safest area of our Hub."

Liavir says, "You'll find kits, Elders, and warriors regularly here."

Jofka asks, "Are the other areas dangerous?"

Liavir says, "Not dangerous so much as we don't police them."

Liavir says, "Here, we keep the peace."

Jofka asks, "So you can't find any more of our coins here?"

Jofka grins at Liavir.

Liavir grins at Jofka.

Liavir says, "I didn't say that."

Xionara softly asks, "Our coins?"

Xionara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Jofka.

Liavir appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Witchbaby starts toward the Prydaen kits. Suddenly an angry-looking Prydaen warrior stalks over to Witchbaby and snarls angrily until she backs away.

Looking satisfied, the warrior returns to her seat, watching Witchbaby surreptitiously.

Jofka says to Xionara, "Mind your pockets, he's a tricksy one."

Liavir says, "Do be careful around the kits. The warriors won't.. take it well if you get too close."

Witchbaby flinches.

Liavir says, "Neither will I, for that matter."

Liavir lashes his tail.

>look warriors
Appearing to lounge lazily on piles of pelts, the warriors diligently work on their weapons. Occasionally, one gets up to confront an outsider that has wandered too close to the Prydaen kits.

>look kits
Running around through the area, the youngsters play and make random noises at each other.

>look elders
Draped in darkly colored linen clothing, the Elders watch over the small Prydaen kits, smiling indulgently as one runs up to them.

Liavir says, "Now then, you're all free to explore. We haven't expanded yet for adding homes, but we will in time."

Xionara softly asks Liavir, "Will those be exclusively for Prydaen?"

Liavir says, "Yes."

Liavir nods to Xionara.

Liavir says, "While we are allowing outsiders in, we're not very interested in letting non-Prydaen claim homes within our Hub."

Liavir says, "Call us biased or racists if you would, but we have our safety to consider."

Witchbaby asks Liavir, "The death-spirit infested area of the forest we came through is usually only accessible at
night...will that not be an issue for those hoping to live here?"

Liavir says, "We're looking into an alternate route near the mist itself."

Liavir says, "For now, the best time to get into the Hub will be at night."

Liavir says, "Oh, one last thing."

Liavir says, "The twisted dryads and the dryad priestess areas."

Liavir says, "We have a few sections within them where our hunters are willing to help fallen estate holders."

Liavir says, "The areas themselves that are for estate holders. Any that fall there are brought here."

Laleh asks, "Will there be healers moving in to this area?

Liavir says, "It's unlikely. Very few wish to live within the forest." (of Night)

Liavir says, "That, and we do not have any empaths within our Hub."

Liavir says, "Out of necessity, any kits that exhibited stronger empathic abilities were sent to other areas."

Nakori meekly asks Liavir, "Where... where did you send those kits?"

Liavir says to Nakori, "They were given choices. Some to Zoluren to join the Guildhall, or others to Sunfall, where they are closer to areas able to provide dead food."

Liavir says, "We'll make sure others are aware once housing is open."

Laleh asks, "Now... how do we get back?"

Liavir says, "North side of the hub, take the trunk back into the forest, head south, take the footpath, head west, go into the woods, head west again, jump the leaves, then head north until you cannot, west until you cannot, and you should find your way to the road."

Liavir exclaims, "I'll be off to duties now, you all enjoy yourselves and be careful!"

Miskton exclaims to Liavir, "Thanks for the tour!"

It has been 416 years, 328 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 9th month of Dolefaren the Brigantine (ship) in the year of the Amber Phoenix.
It is currently fall and it is late evening.
You're positive it's 7 roisaen after the Anlas of Revelfae.

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