Prydaenese Updates on 07/22/2015 07:44 AM CDT
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For those of you that don't stalk the Recently Changed page of Elanthipedia..

I took some time to get more familiar with Prydaenese and it's RL language bases. From those, I've created some grammar and sentence structure rules that are now available on the 'pedia. I've also created Lexicon page with a sortable list of our words, including new ones that were added during the work.


New words/concepts:
*a - a/an
*y - the (before consonant)
*yr - the (before vowel)
*olvra - wheel
*en / n - suffix to pluralize nouns. (n after nouns that end with e)
*is: ao - Present
*was: aio - Past
*will be: chryea - Future

If the new grammar definitions now makes and item's look/read of YOURS incorrect, please submit a bug report and I'll catch up with you.

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