Hello again. on 01/07/2016 07:17 AM CST
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Been a long time! Any of the older Prydaens still around and what do I absolutely need to catch up on from over the past 5 years?

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Re: Hello again. on 01/07/2016 07:26 AM CST
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Welcome back.

I highly recommend Naohhi's recent page https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Prydaen_Gods which is a sort of an accidental summary of recent events and lore, sort of.
We have an official anatomy book now. All your claw and tooth questions answered: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Anatomy_of_the_Prydaen
More random lore and info on various pages like: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Prydaen_Hubs

We have two accessible Hubs (villages) now https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Silverclaw_Hub and https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Sunfall

Several GMNPCs and other stuff, and more on the horizon. It's a great time to be a Prydaen. You can see a timeline on the page here: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Prydaen and there's links to all the Prydaen NPCs.

Feel free to hit me up on AIM at DRZAMARA or in game via crystal ring if you have more questions.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Re: Hello again. on 01/07/2016 11:36 AM CST
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Welcome back!
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Re: Hello again. on 01/07/2016 03:46 PM CST
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Thank you Zamara. I really appreciate the links. Looks like someone's been busy. Lots of great things happening. Visiting the hubs is definitely high priority!

Hey Hey Liurilias! How goes it old friend? Did I see that Dragoonseal is back?
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Re: Hello again. on 01/07/2016 05:41 PM CST
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What ZamZam said. You would also have to define, "Old" as well.

Prydaen prayer for the hunt:
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Re: Hello again. on 01/08/2016 02:29 AM CST
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>What ZamZam said. You would also have to define, "Old" as well.

Considering that I have some items that date back to 96, old may be a relative reference. I've actually had the opportunity to talk to Ternith. There's several names I can't recall at the moment and some I won't mention because they won't be returning for mourned reasons. I have noticed that several older non-Prydaens are returning as well. Was just hoping that a few would speak up here.
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Re: Hello again. on 01/08/2016 02:32 AM CST
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>You would also have to define, "Old" as well.

Zamara and Liurilias are pretty ancient, for Prydaen, but They hide it well. There's others around as well but I'm not sure many of them are board posting types.

Also it's got a rather large(ish) price tag (for a quest), but the paid quest Beyond the Barrier takes place in the West in the undead infested Prydaen homelands. The areas are really well written and it's a rather fun quest honestly.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Re: Hello again. on 01/08/2016 02:35 PM CST
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I've been around since DR was only available on services such as AOL, Genie, Prodigy, etc but my main (Read: Only) character (Shaidval) was born shortly after The Hunger (Lyras) was defeated in the East. In any event, welcome back, hope you enjoy the changes and atmosphere of the game in it's current state.

Zamara and Liurilas have earned my respect in recent times, but they have already sounded off here.^^

Prydaen prayer for the hunt:
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Re: Hello again. on 01/08/2016 02:56 PM CST
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>Zamara and Liurilas have earned my respect in recent times
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Re: Hello again. on 01/08/2016 03:24 PM CST
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I plan on checking out that quest Zamara. I appreciate the review. I'm really hoping it's a vision of things to come.

>I've been around since DR was only available on services such as AOL, Genie, Prodigy, etc but my main (Read: Only) character (Shaidval) was born shortly after The Hunger (Lyras) was defeated in the East. In any event, welcome back, hope you enjoy the changes and atmosphere of the game in it's current state.

You've been playing longer than I have so you probably know a few of the folks I that I can't recall the names of. I know Ternith had a brother but, I can't remember his name. I think his name started with an E. I really miss Humm Breaux as well but, I think he fell ill and probably will never see him in the realms again. I had a dear empath friend named Anbeth that I'm hoping to run into again some day. There's a few others that were rather involved in the Vreeland Pryde that I only got involved with on the tail end of but, again I can't recall most of them.

Shortly after the war with Lyras and the barrier fell is when I took my break from DR. I've think I returned for a short visit since then but, everything blends so much for me these days I can't be all that certain of that, lol. I will say this much. As far as old, I would say that I'm not real comfortable with the RP I've noticed of some of the newer Prydaen. One thing that's remained consistent about Prydaen is that we are not cats!
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Re: Hello again. on 01/08/2016 04:14 PM CST
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Welcome back Bavest! I still have Syleen around who was in the Vreeland but she's very inactive since her entire gig was her warning storysongs about Lyras, no need for them now. Also Ecole was the brother of Ternith [the original], I think.
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Re: Hello again. on 01/08/2016 04:33 PM CST
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Hey Drexella! I thought I saw your name pop up a few times. Glad to see that you're still about. Thanks for the fill in on Ecoles. I knew it was something like that but I didn't want to misspell it. At least I know I'm not losing my mind now, lol.
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