Hello on 02/08/2016 06:08 PM CST
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Awful quiet around here. Is there really not anything going on with Prydaens these days?
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Re: Hello on 02/08/2016 09:06 PM CST
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I've been on vacation.

I've got a few Prydaen dev things lined up, but nothing quite ready yet. If you'd like to see what the big project is, check Elanthipedia for information on Tref Bain and the Hubs there.

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Re: Hello on 02/08/2016 10:26 PM CST
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Also cat people are gross. 8p

Monster Elec

You hear the distant echo of a savage Horde snarling in barbaric disapproval of your deeds.
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Re: Hello on 02/09/2016 08:32 AM CST
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>>Also cat people are gross. 8p

Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

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Re: Hello on 02/09/2016 09:12 AM CST
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>>Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.

Am I the only one around here that thinks cat people should have stayed on the other side of the barrier?

*I don't hate cat people, I hate everyone (j/k kthxbai)
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Re: Hello on 02/09/2016 10:13 AM CST
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Thanks Naohhi. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

>Am I the only one around here that thinks cat people should have stayed on the other side of the barrier?

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Re: Hello on 02/09/2016 11:21 AM CST
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I think that was just a rephrasing of another Big Lebowski quote. S'cool.
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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 02:58 PM CST
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If you are displeased with the quietness, put together a story night and host a Hub gathering. You will get responses, I promise you.

As for those who would wish the Prydaen and Rakash would go back West, we wish we could as well. You apes stink in a foul manner.

Prydaen prayer for the hunt:
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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 03:08 PM CST
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>>You apes stink in a foul manner.

Number of Eastern Kermorian & Albarian Races that have given birth outside a bank: 0.


Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 03:48 PM CST
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>>Number of Eastern Kermorian & Albarian Races that have given birth outside a bank: 0.

I think you just said every one of them gave birth inside a bank. Typos are funny things, bank-birther.

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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 04:16 PM CST
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>>I think you just said every one of them gave birth inside a bank. Typos are funny things, bank-birther.

Hey at least it's indoors.

Uzmam! The Chairman will NOT be pleased to know you're trying to build outside of approved zones. I'd hate for you to be charged the taxes needed to have this place re-zoned. Head for the manor if you're feeling creative.
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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 05:18 PM CST
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>If you are displeased with the quietness, put together a story night and host a Hub gathering. You will get responses, I promise you.

This would imply that I can tell a story, would it not? Not sure anyone could stay awake long enough for me to stumble painfully through that process. I do miss story nights though. I miss the claw and fang training too. I would certainly be willing to help put something together for this but, admittedly I would need considerable assistance.

It does a toon good.
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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 05:48 PM CST
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>This would imply that I can tell a story, would it not?

I pooped is a story. You can do better than that.

And a story in DR can be a multi-stage thing, with input from people, without being 'baby outside bank' levels of stupidity.
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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 05:51 PM CST
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I don't think Humans are descended from apes in this setting. I could be wrong.

And if you want events, make events. Don't twiddle your thumbs and wait for someone to pop up and entertain you for free. Storytelling (and roleplaying in general) are skills you improve upon with practice.

@thayelf // http://thayette.tumblr.com

"But you must know that if corruption is powerful enough, it's not corruption at all — it's law. Unspoken, unwritten, but law." — Robert Jackson Bennett, City of Stairs
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Re: Hello on 02/22/2016 08:46 PM CST
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>>Thayet: I don't think Humans are descended from apes in this setting. I could be wrong.

This theory does exist in the game lore, but the only canonical references I can find to it are by authors who dismiss the theory as ridiculous and/or insulting.

"Eloth, Elf, say that Gor'Tog is son of Troll. They not making insult, they think it true. They say Human is son of Ape, S'kra Mur is son of walking Lizard. But Eloth say he son of thought of gods, so what does he know?" --Aunt Olma's Tog Story

"Self-styled modern 'scholars,' having no better way to spend their time than attempting to disprove centuries of traditional wisdom, claim that we, the S'kra Mur, are merely the descendants of the Black Molloky'i of the badlands. But we resemble those knee-high dung-throwing motherless gremlins as the sun resembles a stone. And I who have borne four children myself can tell you that the S'kra most certainly do not lay eggs! My acquaintance, the Lorethew Dumezyl, says this ridiculous notion about our ancestry is 'no more likely than the idea that apes are the ancestors of Humans.'" --The Ways of the S'Kra Mur

Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall rank!

sortable list of all Trader-owned shops and inventory: http://www.elanthia.org/TraderShops/

armor and shields: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Armor_and_shield_player_guide
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