Prydaen Release - New Material on 05/24/2016 11:04 PM CDT
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Material Name: Storyplait
Rarity: Common
Price: 100 per yard
Description: When created by Prydaen, storyplait is often referred to as "yush resha," meaning "life story." Storyplait is created from colorful woods and dyed wools and used to create everything from blankets, wall hangings, hammocks, cloaks, shawls, and bags. A piece of yush resha often depicts things of import to a Prydaen, such as holy symbols or honorifics to one of the Triquetra, however, storyplait itself can also be patterned with elaborate, geometrical designs often favored by the S'Kra Mur, or even large, boldly colored designs with a tribal edge. Due to the flexibility of the material, it has gained popularity in small pockets of Kermoria and it is often easy to find someone capable of crafting it.

Note: When made in game, it should use the English/Common word, not the Prydaenese one.

Alterations: This material may be requested now via any willing alterer and it does not have to be supplied.

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Re: Prydaen Release - New Material on 05/25/2016 05:19 PM CDT
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This sounds really cool in lore/concept, but I don't understand what it's made from. Woods and wool? At the same time? Does "flexibility" mean it's adaptable or does it mean it's bendable?

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Re: Prydaen Release - New Material on 05/26/2016 08:29 AM CDT
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The concept is similar to Navajo weaving, which is done the same way. The result is slightly stiff but pliable and very sturdy.

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