Charisma on 06/02/2005 08:53 AM CDT
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Okay for my first question, will rangers ever receive anything in the future that is known that will require charisma. Like i know there is a min req for charisma and raccoons not sure about wolves... but will there be more things along this line that utilize charisma?

Will charisma play a part in relationship and development of our companions? I would like to see that personally someone with alot of charisma and Al can train a companion to do more things with higher skill in those areas.

Will our Charisma factor into our nature pool as it does our spirit health right now?

Does Charisma play a role in anything regarding to rangers at this moment? If so vaguely what area's might be affected by having good charisma?

With the upcoming magic changes do you think the affect Charisma has on Awaken Forest will be changed?

Thanks ahead of time!
Those who pride themselves on being the Hunter can easily become the prey.
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Re: Charisma on 06/04/2005 12:11 AM CDT
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Hi there,

I believe you can count charisma into being a factor with companions in a few different ways. Training companions is a good example.

Regarding Nature's Pool - Once that is released we may or may not give you details on what goes into the formula for it. Most likely, you'll at least get some hints though.

Beyond that, my best advice is to not neglect any stat, they are all important in one way or another.

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Charisma on 07/10/2008 11:41 AM CDT
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Any plans to make Charisma useful/worthwhile for Rangers?

"So like I said, don't take it personally. All cultures have their share of fools. It's just that we always felt yours had a lot more than ours."
~~Warrior Mage Guild Leader Senfrislor, The Prydaen in Their Own Words~~
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