Herb Foraging on 11/23/2007 09:33 AM CST
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I'm writing to say that I appreciate the inclusion of Rangers in 'recall herb', and make a request.

Could 'scout area' be improved to tell what all 'terrains' the room your currently standing in includes?

Something like this:

>scout area
You are currently near some steppes, and a savannah.
You find yourself a bit detached from your surroundings.
Roundtime: 6 Sec.

Also, I don't know if this is already available, because my character isn't a scholarship feind, but more information on the conditions (season, time of day, weather, etc.) in which the herb can be foraged might be very useful with the terrain messages in 'recall herb'.

Thanks for the new in game information. I appreciate things like this. Now I'll never have to look up what herb to eat on an external website. Further steps in this direction would also be appreciated.

~Someone who didn't post this
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