Confused on 04/13/2008 04:07 AM CDT
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I've been out of game for about 18 months...been back about 12 days. I've read the magic changes repeatedly in the General Announcement and Magic Folders, but apparently I'm missing something...

I understand that TM is now necessary to do physical damage with a spell. Does this mean that the spells that have been rewritten will eventually regain some of their former damage potential given enough target ranks...or are they now in a permanent state of quasi-nerf-dom (compared to their former glory)? The reason for my confusion is a GM once told me a long time ago that one of the spells took TM ranks into consideration when calculating damage, although it wasn't actually necessary to create substantial damage...then they took away the ability to learn target without the risk of it blowing our limbs off. I had learned ~50 ranks prior to that "permanent" we're-never-going-to-need-TM change.

So am I now back-training target for just the spells that are targetable? Or are there benefits that kick in for the other non-target spells as well?

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Re: Confused on 04/13/2008 12:11 PM CDT
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None of the spells do or will do damage. The only damaging spells in a Ranger's repertoire right now are Pure TM.

I would argue that in most cases, the loss of damage has provided for a more solid spell overall. Arguably with BB this was not the case, but BB was horribly broken and having 75 TM guaranteed instant death at min success.

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