Thank you for your fast answer but.... on 06/16/2008 12:17 AM CDT
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Thanks for the quick response, Z. I didn't figure to see you on the boards until after Father's Day. What dedication!


<<1) Old BB was insanely overpowered if you had TM ranks. At about 150 ranks, it was basically instant death no matter what if you could pass the contest.>>

I'm curious, first, at how many rangers would have actually had 150 TM ranks since there was no need to train it. And if the contest failed at 150 ranks, why not just have upped the ranks that it failed at and avoid the instant death?

Anyway thanks for the almost instant answer but I'm considering going to Throne City and removing HB and BB from my spell slots.

Shame since those were my favorite room control spells.

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Re: Thank you for your fast answer but.... on 06/16/2008 07:29 AM CDT
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Zinaca, this was all discussed at great length in the past. I suggest you read back in the ranger folders for more information.

I also don't see how minor damage adds much to either spell. It would create consent issues though, making them less useful in prime.

Right now break branch is a great spell. You can choose to stun or knock unconscious, assuming you can win the contest. That's amazing versatility for a single spell. Personally I think the "guaranteed unconsciousness if the target is stunned" aspect of the new break branch is OP, but it seems like it is here to stay.

HB is also better now for backtraining weapons. Before, you would kill creatures with poison if you outclassed them, making the spell frustrating to use when backtraining. And the re-webbing? Very cool.

Best nerf ever.
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Re: Thank you for your fast answer but.... on 06/16/2008 07:44 AM CDT
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>>I'm curious, first, at how many rangers would have actually had 150 TM ranks since there was no need to train it. And if the contest failed at 150 ranks, why not just have upped the ranks that it failed at and avoid the instant death?

Are you serious?
A surge of intense heat lands a glancing strike to a gypsy marauder's verse!
A surge of intense heat lands a good hit to a morah vine's neck!

Behold the power of Bards: your verse shall be smitten.
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Re: Thank you for your fast answer but.... on 06/16/2008 11:30 AM CDT
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>>Personally I think the "guaranteed unconsciousness if the target is stunned" aspect of the new break branch is OP, but it seems like it is here to stay.<<

- Mazrian
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Re: Thank you for your fast answer but.... on 06/16/2008 04:13 PM CDT
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Personally I think it's ridiculous that Moon Mages lack the diversity in their contested spells that other guilds have, allowing them to have four or five dump stats and still achieve maximum effectiveness. I also think, in light of this, Mind Blast is horrendously overpowered, given that it's guaranteed unconsciousness on the first cast (as opposed to the second cast) versus everything except BMR at high levels.

But hey, that's just me.
A surge of intense heat lands a glancing strike to a gypsy marauder's verse!
A surge of intense heat lands a good hit to a morah vine's neck!

Behold the power of Bards: your verse shall be smitten.
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Re: Thank you for your fast answer but.... on 06/16/2008 04:23 PM CDT
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>I also think, in light of this, Mind Blast is horrendously overpowered, given that it's guaranteed unconsciousness on the first cast (as opposed to the second cast) versus everything except BMR at high levels.

I think you don't know what you're talking about. There's a bunch of people in TF I can stun, but NEVER sleep with mental blast. Neither the first cast nor subsequent casts guarantee anything. It used to be that the second cast was almost certain to result in unconsciousness if the target was stunned, but it was changed to almost never make a difference, at least for me.

I don't think anyone should get an unconsciousness effect with no contested skills or stats.
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