Emerald Knight title on 04/02/2010 08:53 PM CDT
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Not sure where to put this question, but since I am a ranger and the title has a pre-req of being a ranger or paladin, I thought I would put it here. Has this title been opened up to everyone? The other day I saw a moon mage with Emerald Knight as their pre-title. From my understanding, you have to be either a ranger or paladin, and completed the coriks wall quest.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
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Re: Emerald Knight title on 04/05/2010 12:32 AM CDT
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It should still be only available to a Ranger or Paladin who has completed the quest. I checked custom titles to make sure there hasn't been a mistake and there isn't anyone with anything similar.

If you come across this again, please email me privately with the name of the IMPOSTER carrying the title and I'll see whats up? dr-audacia@play.net.

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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