Title and registers on 01/18/2013 10:36 PM CST
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<<<<So now that DR 3 is all but here, I am assuming most of the title requirements will be changing as well. I was hoping someone out there (most likely with a red name) would be able to shed some light on some of the titles with "mystery" requirements since they are all going away anyway. I'm mostly curious about the Entity and Force of Nature titles since they seem to be the hardest ones. I'm really hoping that Entity of Nature is not 1,000 in your 7th survival since I'm a mere 5 ranks away and won't be able to make it by Saturday...>>>>

I was wondering the same thing, but also, how will DR3 impact the registers? Since so many of the skills are changing or combining. For example, Kalikas register takes into account evasion, skinning, fa, climbing, escaping, disarm, swimming and pm. From what I understand climbing, escaping, and swimming are being combined. Also, Tolle with all bows and crossbows. And Marion with hiding, stalking, scouting and perception. Any GM enlighten how titles and the registers will be affected?

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Re: Title and registers on 01/19/2013 02:48 AM CST
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>>how will DR3 impact the registers?

Unless something changed they'll all be replaced. Names aren't being grandfathered onto them.

The teeth lands a solid (5/23) hit that pokes the teeth into Turul's rear end (more embarrassing than painful!).
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Re: Title and registers on 01/19/2013 02:08 PM CST
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About the names not being grandfathered in, it makes sense--but it's sad in a way. I have enjoyed looking at the register and still seeing "historic" (now that they don't play anymore) names on the list. I did see Fengreve in game last night, but I think Dryzt and Forgenash are gone for good. : (

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Title and registers on 01/20/2013 12:15 AM CST
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I dropped down many places on the register since the change so hopefully it starts anew. There are still several "historic" rangers left. Don't get too down
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Re: Title and registers on 03/31/2013 01:33 PM CDT
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Are the registers still using the old formulas, but taking into consideration the new skills (swim/climb etc..)?

"Well behaved women rarely make history"
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