Stat question on 08/08/2014 05:59 AM CDT
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Pondering where to next spend TDPs.

Strength : 56 Reflex : 70
Agility : 70 Charisma : 25
Discipline : 65 Wisdom : 57
Intelligence : 60 Stamina : 55

Currently hunting in apes, surviving well, can dance with 4 without getting battered.

All my weapons are high end steel so I already have the minimum RT on each.
I train all weapons, ranged and edge when i hunt at level and the rest when i backtrain for boxes.

Is charisma good for anything? Does a higher charicma increase the loot or the chances or getting scrolls/maps/etc?
Do any of our spells use charisma? from what i've read on elanthepedia they don't.
Not much for PvP, mostly i just hunt and train.

Also, while i think of it, I can cast BES at 20 but CS only at 15, that sound right to others?
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Re: Stat question on 08/08/2014 06:29 AM CDT
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>Is charisma good for anything? Does a higher charicma increase the loot or the chances or getting scrolls/maps/etc?

No to both questions. It influences spirit health, and some of the vs. spell checks, but that's about it. You can't increase your loot odds in any form, it's static.

In general, just train up whatever's cheapest for you, now that you have a solid stat base to work from. I'd probably ignore charisma completely.
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Re: Stat question on 08/09/2014 02:24 AM CDT
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There was me thinking that Charisma was quite important for Bards? Doesn't it power all of our enchants/spells and abilities (screams, whistles, etc.)? Any chance a knowledgeable Bard could weigh in on this conversation?

I'm pleased I have that Safari potion if I have made a poor assumption.


Azkaban UiNeill, Bard of Therengia, an Elf

Singing for tips, since 312.
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Re: Stat question on 08/09/2014 03:20 AM CDT
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Aether wolves Charm vs Fort
Albreda's Balm Charm vs Will
Glythtide's Joy Charm vs Will
Misdirection Charm vs Will
Demrris' Resolve Mind vs Will
Maelstrom Magic vs Reflex

>There was me thinking that Charisma was quite important for Bards?
The majority of these bard spells are charm, which uses Charisma, Discipline, and Intelligence or and a few are Mind which uses Intelligence, Discipline, Wisdom. If you use a lot of those charm spells, charisma is nice to have. Bard's bluff also uses charisma.

>Is charisma good for anything?
In regards to OP, Rangers have no charm spells, so charisma is something you can rather safely neglect.

Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
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Re: Stat question on 08/09/2014 11:49 PM CDT
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I thought this was a ranger folder? Why are we discussing Bards?

Charisma for a ranger is basically useless except for contested spell checks (So you would raise charimsa to defend against spells).

It also helps you PLEAD INNOCENT when arrested, and bargaining with NPC merchants.

So if you don't pvp and don't commit crimes, a ranger doesn't really need it.
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Re: Stat question on 08/10/2014 11:30 AM CDT
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So, I just went through a ton of posts and updated the Elanthipedia page(( For Rangers, charisma:

*Extends spirit health and therefore the time before auto-depart after death
*Charisma will work to grant a modest increase to the multi opponent penalty a player poses against a foe. (I couldn't find a reference to support this)
*Reduces amount of fines from being arrested
*Increases the odds of evading the guards when a warrant has been arrested.
*Reduces the round time for plead release attempts from the stocks
*Increases the chance of successfully accusing someone of Necromancy or evading a false accusation of Necromancy
*The more charisma your students have, the more teaching experience you will earn
*The more charisma your teacher has, the faster you will learn the skill you are trying to learn
*The more charisma you have, the more scholarship you will learn as a teacher or student.
*Reduces prices in shops with shopkeepers that use the barter system.
*Improves performances.

Of all the guilds it seems that Rangers, along with Necromancers have the least use for Charisma.
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Re: Stat question on 08/10/2014 12:38 PM CDT
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<<*Extends spirit health and therefore the time before auto-depart after death

This also increases the available pool of spirit health for beseeches, although I think even with low amounts of charisma Rangers have more than enough for their needs anyway.

<<*Charisma will work to grant a modest increase to the multi opponent penalty a player poses against a foe. (I couldn't find a reference to support this)

This was definitely a thing pre-3.0. I don't know if it exists in 3.0 currently, although I can't think of anything that would have necessitated changing it. It rarely comes into play at any rate.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Stat question on 08/10/2014 05:37 PM CDT
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What exactly does 'improves performances' mean?

I didn't think anyone but bards could access the perform verb?
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Re: Stat question on 08/10/2014 06:29 PM CDT
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<<What exactly does 'improves performances' mean?
<<I didn't think anyone but bards could access the perform verb?

It simply means you get a bonus when using PLAY/HUM so that a given song and mood will be easier.

A character with higher charisma as another character will play instruments and hum better than another character with everything else equal.

Elanthipedia -
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Re: Stat question on 08/10/2014 11:37 PM CDT
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Well, the OP was originally asking how the stats should be trained.

Somehow it turned into a charisma discussion. And it also turned into a discussion about how it is useful for bards.

Yes, charisma has uses. But is it vital for a ranger? The answer is no. (I've heard it may come into play with companions, etc...but we know how that goes)

You can get by with minimal charisma...unless you PVP heavily. The OP said pvp was not a factor.
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