The time is coming.... on 06/25/2018 12:04 AM CDT
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I am guessing that pretty soon that the time for some of us rangers to learn scouting from trails is going to stop. And why does learning climbing the in the undergondola teach more than swimming in an 15 second roundtime river spot. Will swimming be evened out to teach better? Will we get more trails? Do us rangers have a GM?


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
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Re: The time is coming.... on 06/25/2018 07:54 AM CDT
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>trails and scouting
As best I can tell, scouting form HUNT teaches to critter defensive cap, so in theory the skill is trainable to 1750. I've stopped running trails for training as the time cost is just to high to justify it. Trails are just in a sad state anyway. They take longer than #goto and have all sorts of restrictions that just don't make sense in 3.0/modern DR (gweths, emotes, etc). The trail code is so janky you don't even get the proper xml stream for talking and "also here". Not surprising since I'm pretty sure trails pre-date the xml stream as we know it today by close to a decade.

Does climb practice extend the teaching cap? I'm still learning quite well from the under gondola circuit but I'm a long way from cap at 915 athletics. I don't swim anymore though. Based on my testing the seconds/mindstate calculation is vastly in favor of normal climbing (have not tested climb practice).

>Do us rangers have a GM?
I don't think guilds have gurus anymore? The GM pool is so small that whoever can works on what's top priority (I think).

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: The time is coming.... on 06/25/2018 08:19 AM CDT
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I stopped using trails for training as well, mostly because I regularly carry a burden and wounds that increase travel time. Last I checked, the trail from Shard to Hib still taught me pretty well despite the extra time I add to the trip and that isn't even the toughest trail. I imagine the Haven Ferry to Fens and Siksraja to Hags Crag trails will teach way up there.

It seemed to me that climbing and swimming were never really brought into parity as far as training. Before the two skills were merged I only trained swimming to the minimum I needed to cross rivers and I trained climbing regularly, so afterwards it never really bothered me that training by swimming was annoying.

Corik's wall teaches well beyond under the gondola and cliffs at Xala'shar teaches pretty well up there, too.
I think climb practice teaches about the same skill range as climb, it just allows you to train in one spot on a single climb. I still prefer running along climbs and killing time for a minute in between if I can.
There are places that seem to have a range of skill levels they teach at, the tree that is the back entrance to the Crossing Ranger Guild being one. That one starts training fairly early, stops and starts training at various skill levels, but continues to train at over 1000 ranks using climb practice. If you are at a skill range that it doesn't teach at, casting athleticism might bump you up to one that does.
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