any update on 02/06/2012 04:59 PM CST
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I was going through the forums , mostly events and happenings and loving Madigan's journals (and and ALL the others) when I realize there has been little or no activity in the Ranger folder for quite a bit...

So... any updates on companions? I know you're working on them, and have made a bit of progres, Dark Lord of the Sithix. have you made any further choices on what you're going to incorporate into them? anything you can tell us about the quests for them as a teaser? I know you GM's are bound by the PAFO rule, but I just son't want interest to be lost in companions because we rangers get the glazed over eyes very quick when it comes to the "soming soon-ish" I really didn't want you to feel like we aren't waiting on baited breath for new about our little (and hopefully some not so little) friends. how much are the other 3.0 systems affecting companions, if you care to comment that is? Definitely want to take the time here to thank you ONCE AGAIN for the effort, work, time, and willingness to tackle the evilness that is the current companion system.

also GIANTS WON! All is as it should be. (fan since '83)

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 02/07/2012 03:20 PM CST
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Purnay, I have never ever read a post of yours that was so...solicitous? So beseechingly polite? Did "Lord Sithix" curse you or something? But I would love to add my curiosity to yours, Purnay. So Lord Sithix, would you please comment? Or, horrible thought, are you the GM lost in Siberia? ::shudders::

Zinaca and her young raccoon, Shadow (see Purnay, I CAN raise a companion!)
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Re: any update on 02/07/2012 04:56 PM CST
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Zin, I honestly just wanted to ask but be encouraging to sithix. I think GM's are quite under appreciated when it comes to development. They work so hard on something to try and bring it to fruition and see others enjoy their hard work, and then they get a lot of, oh this is stupid because... and there's always SOMEONE who doesn't like it, because let's face it. we are all different. No two people are EXACTLY the same. so I really just wanted to make sure that when I was asking sith for news he would actually feel like answering instead of dreading giving an update and having 20 rangers jump him for something they didn't like. honestly to me, as long as I can still track my wolf to people, I will absolutely LOVE the new companions system no matter what. Because it will offer WAY more then what we have now. Also I will love it because someone put a LOT of hard work, time, effort, patience, and care into creating the new companion system.

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 02/10/2012 07:43 AM CST
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Unfortunately there's not too much of a substantive update that I can share. Much of the work that has been done in recent weeks has been in areas where there's not much I can say; I could say "back-end mechanics" as a generalization but that means about as much to you as if I were to say I've been working on mashed potatoes (yum).

But I don't like not responding to requests for status. I can say that right now I'm finishing up GM tools that will make troubleshooting, repairing, and, under special circumstances, restoring companions pretty easy as compared to now. Having a problem with a companion is incredibly unlikely in the new system, but just in case... because going from your current companion you've had for 10000000000 hours of development time to a new one is just unacceptable. Again not something that I can share too much about, obviously, but there it is anyway.

After that there's still a good chunk of functionality to implement and of course a month or so of simply tons of writing messaging.

I may shorten the time by releasing only raccoons at first and then slowly adding more and more types, unless some folks have a particular desire for the wolf etc.

Rewriting a system so broken and so involved is quite an undertaking, you are right, but it will be worth it in the end.

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: any update on 02/10/2012 12:24 PM CST
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Purnay, I totally agree and think GMs are awesome god-like people with no hair, nails and substantial substance abuse (think alcohol coffee and food). Me? I would have torn my hair out long ago and jittery and eaten myself to 500 pound status if I were a GM.

Sithix, thank you again for all the work you are doing. I think new companions are gonna be so awesome, folks will run to the ranger guild to join up. Raccoons are nice--really nice. Though I think Falkonis will want his falcon and Hawkman his hawk. Thanks for answering. It is one of the things I most admire about you, your wish to be honest and open with us. We appreciate the respect. Oh and I'm so glad you aren't the GM stuck in Siberia!

Zinaca and fully-grown raccoon, Shadow (turns to Purnay and gives him a raspberry)
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Re: any update on 02/11/2012 08:39 AM CST
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I have to say first thank you for the update! I personally would feel like I was missing a part of me without my wolf. I definitely use him a lot to track people down. I am ALL for GM tools that help you fix buggy companions. I seem to have a lot of bugs with mine... I guess because I use him so much. and if someone is going to have a bug with their wolf... I'm sure it'll be me. (no that does not mean killing my wolf, unlike some people ::whistles innocently::)

If releasing Raccons would increase the time it would take for wolves to come out I'd say no, but if it causes no increase (and doesn't take away my wolf until I can get a new one) then I'd say bring on the raccoons (unless you can get wolves out first...)

I also had an idea for if (when) we get a bird companion of some type... since the birds fly, instead of tracking them, could we see what room they're in ( possibly in the familiar window) since you can see a bird flying from pretty far away. maybe not see everything that happens in the room. but just the description of the room they are in? anyone else have thoughts on it?

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 02/11/2012 10:44 AM CST
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I don't know if this has been asked:

What will happen to our current companion when the new system has been released? Will they disappear or will it grandfather the companion we already have?

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Re: any update on 02/11/2012 09:23 PM CST
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Raccoons... If I dont get my Falcon, there will be hell to pay. HELL, I SAY - HELL!!! DUNDUNDUN!!!

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Re: any update on 02/12/2012 11:22 AM CST
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Old companions cannot become new companions so there is no grandfathering. The systems are way too different. What will happen to the old ones? I'm not tellin'.

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: any update on 02/12/2012 11:25 AM CST
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"Ever notice that B.A.'s flavor text swells in direct proportion to how much one of our characters is getting screwed?" - Brian Van Hoose
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Re: any update on 02/12/2012 11:52 AM CST
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>After that there's still a good chunk of functionality to implement and of course a month or so of simply tons of writing messaging.

How about a message contest? Throw some of that out to the ranger community. At worst, you get nothing, at best, some of the work is done for you. Prize TBD, but a custom companion, like an owl for example (hint, hint) would be awesome.



"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition."

- Henry V, William Shakespeare
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Re: any update on 02/12/2012 03:20 PM CST
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I was really hoping falconry wasn't going to be just rangers, was hoping for something like the horses (well how well hopefully some day they'll work).

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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Re: any update on 02/12/2012 07:41 PM CST
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sometimes, it's ok to screw everyone else in favor of rangers...

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 02/16/2012 11:13 AM CST
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<<What will happen to the old ones? I'm not tellin'.>>

I love a mystery!

Pretty much figured the systems wouldn't match up, but I thought I'd have it clarified for myself.

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Re: any update on 02/16/2012 02:08 PM CST
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<<What will happen to the old ones? I'm not tellin'.>>

Just to nip this one in the bud....I am NOT getting all the old companions to kill. I reiterate, I do not kill companions--though I suspect I will never live it down.

By the way, when new wolves come out...I am getting one. He/She will be called Lucky 13, in memoriam to all the wolves I have left behind, or escaped, or got lost.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow

P.S. Sithix, when you put out the companions, can they please have genders and unique markings? Also, can we be given the ability to find out whose companion is before us? Like the warrior mages but perhaps something like---You see a magnificent full-grown tawny wolf before you--studying it closely, you remember that this must be Zinaca's wolf.
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Re: any update on 02/16/2012 11:27 PM CST
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>I am NOT getting all the old companions to kill.

:: goes back to the drawing board ::

(not really)

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: any update on 02/17/2012 12:37 PM CST
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>> Also, can we be given the ability to find out whose companion is before us? Like the warrior mages but perhaps something like---You see a magnificent full-grown tawny wolf before you--studying it closely, you remember that this must be Zinaca's wolf.<<

How about a hook into the new RECALL system? Make it a scholarship contest, with Rangers having a huge bonus?

Yay, more scholarship!
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Re: any update on 02/21/2012 09:10 AM CST
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>Having a problem with a companion is incredibly unlikely in the new system, but just in case... because going from your current companion you've had for 10000000000 hours of development time to a new one is just unacceptable. Again not something that I can share too much about, obviously, but there it is anyway.


Thank you very, very much for putting in the extra time to make it they can be restored/recovered. That was one of the major reasons I was loath to deal with the current system, given all the serious bugs. It would be one thing if getting restored was just an assist away, but always getting reset to the beginning? No thanks.

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Re: any update on 02/21/2012 11:53 AM CST
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I was wondering if we could have the option to choose the age of our companion when we first got it? Some, like me, like babies and young ones, but others like fully-grown ones, or mature ones. Also, I was wondering if you are still planning on our companions never being able to die. If that is so, and our companions come with unique markings and so forth, could there be a mechanism for us to turn in our companions (not to me!) and get a new one? Just curious.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: any update on 02/21/2012 12:37 PM CST
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I don't think death of a companion is a bad thing. Things die it is part of nature. I do however like the idea of choosing a companion and having uniqueness tied to the Ranger that has that companion. I would also hate it to be tied to specific circle for companions but more around specific types of skill.

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Re: any update on 02/23/2012 10:16 PM CST
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Agree with Arct. Not circle based please, but related to skill checks. And set hawks and falcons so that only Hawkman and Falkonis get them initially. : P

Me? I'll be happy with a wolf. Bring on Lucky 13th!

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: any update on 02/24/2012 04:27 PM CST
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You won't be choosing the age of your companion.

They will never permanently be destroyed. That is, they won't die. Other things might happen to them rendering them unusable for a time. That's all I'm saying about that.

There will be a way to release a companion regardless of how much time you've put into the thing. At that point you can go through the same process to acquire another.

There will be some level of physical and mental uniqueness (more so than now) in the same sense that characters have unique eyes or markings or whatnot, but it's possible multiple companions of the same kind could be produced. Of course you'll be finding more than just two kinds out there too.

I'm not discussing requirements for being able to acquire a companion; there will probably be a circle requirement; there will probably be other requirements as well. If it's a "can I try this yet" it will probably more of the former and minimal; if it's more of a "can I do this" it will probably be more of the latter and substantial.

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: any update on 02/27/2012 11:14 PM CST
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Oooooo thanks for the update, Sithix. Was wondering though, when we go to get a companion, will it be a random thing that you get a male/female at such and such an age? I sometimes play a war mage on a friend's account and she learned that the way fams look is linked someway to each individual now she has a golden dog, a golden raven, and a golden goose. No kidding. Are you thinking of the same thing?

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: any update on 02/28/2012 07:02 PM CST
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Will it be of any benefit to continue training up my young wolf then, or it is a wasting time?

Do, or do not, there is no try." -Yoda
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Re: any update on 02/28/2012 08:35 PM CST
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<<Will it be of any benefit to continue training up my young wolf then, or it is a wasting time?>>

I think you should play with your companion only if you want to. Sithix has already said the companions won't be able to roll over into the new system and I think animal lore is going away or there will be a new and better way to train it.

I love my companions and don't consider my time spent with them as wasted. But that's me.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: any update on 02/28/2012 08:37 PM CST
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>fams look is linked someway to each individual now she has a golden dog, a golden raven, and a golden goose

Can't say if it currently works that way or not with familiars as I'm not too familiar (hah) with them.

As much as it pains me not to give Zinaca a golden raccoon, nothing about companions' aesthetics will be linked in a similar fashion.

Broken limbs, maybe. (Sadly, just kidding.)

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: any update on 02/28/2012 08:51 PM CST
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>Will it be of any benefit to continue training up my young wolf then, or it is a wasting time?

These kinds of questions always interest me. If you are having fun, keep at it. If not, find something to do that is fun for you.

Or, if you think the end benefit of having the wolf is worth it, even though it's not fun, keep at it, I guess.

I have absolutely no idea when Companions will be done.

That said, again, old Companions will NOT convert into new Companions. It's not feasible.

However, while I can't be certain, you probably have time to train your wolf and make some use of it prior to the new system coming out, but the choice is yours.

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: any update on 02/28/2012 10:57 PM CST
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My wolf currently likes to find and pester Coenrad... when she's not on super secret missions to the outcast King... though she seems to keep not delivering messages....

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 02/29/2012 09:13 AM CST
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I hope I dont have to spend another 20 hours petting and feeding a companion to get use from it. I've already done that twice, not to mention a few lost along the way. Point being I'll feel really cheated if I can't send my wolf from town to town to deliver small items or track to him without putting in a bunch of time I've already invested. Also wondering whats gonna become of the AL ranks?
[> Sniper Shinumo

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Re: any update on 02/29/2012 10:27 AM CST
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Time will have to invested. I can't say how much, but you probably won't be tracking to him on day 1. That time will not be petting and feeding over and over though (not that those actions won't do something). I wouldn't worry too much about this; certainly not at this point.

Foraging + AL = Outdoorsmanship. I'm not ready to say what skills might be used in the new system overall but I'm sure at least this and Scouting will be.

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: any update on 02/29/2012 02:43 PM CST
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Thanks much for the timely reply. I expect a little work, a small price to pay for a working system. I'm really pleased with the direction things are going these days. Keep up the fine work.
[> Sniper Shinumo

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Re: any update on 02/29/2012 09:43 PM CST
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Sithix, I am profoundly grateful you aren't giving me a golden raccoon. Bleh and gold is my second least favorite color (pink is first and don't give me a pink flamingo either please).

As for the rest of what we will be able to do with our companions, I trust you. I would like to be able to train the companions to do things and I think you have said we could train them to many things...just not attacking critters/player : ( .

As for when companions will be done--sigh--we have waited about 8 years so far...what's another 2 or more.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow

PS Sithix, you joked about the broken limbs being there thought about having our companions get hurt and us rangers and empaths could fix it? Rangers could set bones and bandage and empaths could heal? Be nice.
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Re: any update on 03/01/2012 05:42 PM CST
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somehow zin, I know you'd find a way to hurt your wolf in a way that would be unfixable... ::ducks and runs away::

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 03/02/2012 08:30 PM CST
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<<somehow zin, I know you'd find a way to hurt your wolf in a way that would be unfixable... ::ducks and runs away::


::signals raccoon to find Purnay, crawl in his breeches and start shredding::

She just loves to shred things.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: any update on 03/02/2012 08:53 PM CST
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well... the wolf does love coon meat....

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 03/03/2012 03:56 PM CST
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<<well... the wolf does love coon meat....>>

::ponders:: ::signals raccoon to find Purnay and WATCH FOR WOLF. If no wolf, climb into Purnay's breeches and begin shredding:: ::When scents wolf, run like hell::

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: any update on 03/03/2012 04:14 PM CST
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Thanks. Couple more thoughts. First, please drop another hint promising I wont invest more time in my wolf and see it disappear whenever the new system comes out. Second, and just a passing thought, I'd love to see my new generation companion able to track someone, be able to hide and some how inform me, its counter companion, things are good for me to track it down. Just a thought.

Do, or do not, there is no try." -Yoda
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Re: any update on 03/03/2012 05:11 PM CST
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> Second, and just a passing thought, I'd love to see my new generation companion able to track someone, be able to hide and some how inform me, its counter companion, things are good for me to track it down. Just a thought.

dunno bout all that, but would be neat if one's companion COULD actually hide when signaled to. or have it stalk people in hiding, and leave prints to track it...

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: any update on 03/03/2012 05:50 PM CST
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How about if your wolf is in hiding, when you track it, you'll end up in hiding too. ~I better stop.
Do, or do not, there is no try." -Yoda
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Re: any update on 03/03/2012 11:27 PM CST
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>pink flamingo

Ahh, good idea!

>please drop another hint promising I wont invest more time in my wolf and see it disappear whenever the new system comes out

It has been said many times. You should be penalized for feeding old things to your companion, but it will not die. You should be, on some minor level, be penalized for paying zero attention to your companion for hours on end (that it is "out"), but it will not run away, at least not permanently. I've said it many times, but as a general idea, nothing you spend this amount of time with will permanently go away.


Yeah... I can't talk about abilities of companions quite yet... but feel free to keep discussing...

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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