Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/22/2007 04:34 PM CDT
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>>Then i should be the skinning, first aid, climb, swim, forage master while in town? Can I get arrange? - Constatine<<

Now i could be wrong but this isn't a very good arguement.

Foraging - you have all the perks we do besides the bonus. You can Forage percise along with empaths
Climbing - Your GM (the bias stealth guy) has already talked with you guys about getting you a climbing bonus
First Aid - Empaths are the kings of FA
Swimming - well beside our swimming bonus, we're basically the same, well you guys can cross the selogtha(sp) while we must take the ferry

And don't even get me started on skinning. Right now it's easier for you to train the skill. I've done side by side comparisons. Quezlo (sp) and I ran multiple test in germs, pecs and basilisk he had 40 more ranks of skinning than I did at the time and was able to lock his skill faster and keep it at a higher mindstate longer than I was. So please don't start crying about skinning.

Da Madd Webba

How you expect to run with the wolves come night when you spend all day sportin' with puppies?

You might as well pay attention since your behind can't afford free speech

I'm like a pee stained mattress, don't sleep on me!
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Re: Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/22/2007 04:45 PM CDT
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I'm not debating you those skills are crappy and you are getting crapped on. Make a petition to make those skills and other skills you guys should be domain masters of as complex and rewarding and other skills in the game, and i'll sign the petition. Im not against you; im just pro me.

Make some rivers (say the selgotha and future ones that dont have passages) so violent only a ranger can pass them. I'm a big...big fan of guild unique syntax and abilities, as well as shared. Right now you guys lack the former and need more. However, if you want to talk about useless skills....ill trade you armor secondary for lore secondary:)

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/22/2007 06:13 PM CDT
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>>ill trade you armor secondary for lore secondary:)

I'd rather trade my own armor secondary for magic secondary.

- Xelten
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Re: Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/22/2007 06:19 PM CDT
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Hah, who wouldnt?

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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Re: Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/23/2007 11:39 AM CDT
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I've come to the conclusion that Jrendel wishes he had been an empath. =P


You are Shrimpstar, a Prydaen Bard.
You have pointed ears and cat-slitted clear colored eyes. Your amber mane is short and thick, and is worn tousled. You have grey fur and a slender tail.
You look tired.

You are wearing nothing special.
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Re: Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/23/2007 11:42 AM CDT
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Jrendel is an empath, he just can't heal because he has perma shock.


In an open world who needs Windows or Gates.
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Re: Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/24/2007 01:29 PM CDT
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>>ill trade you armor secondary for lore secondary:)

Ill trade lore primary for some socks and a chicken.....

A dust bunny furtively tugs a label from Niteshiver's clothing that reads, "Closet Conservative".
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Re: Rangers and Theefs from gen discussions on 03/24/2007 02:04 PM CDT
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Poor poor...pretty much useless lore skill set:( They should just rename it "extra tdps".

Farewell, remorse: all good to me is lost; Evil, be thou my good.
~Paradise Lost (bk. IX, l. 171)
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