New Barrier Spell - Embed the Circle on 03/14/2022 02:16 PM CDT
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As part of the clean-up work post-barrier review we have released a new Ranger barrier today called Embed the Cycle. This is a 1 spell-slot, basic difficulty spell that requires two of either Wolf Scent, Instinct, or Senses of the Tiger as pre-req.

ETC works as a fairly standard percentage damage barrier against all types, though in addition to Potency determining the majority of its efficacy, ETC is also modestly impacted by the wilderness rating of the room in which you take damage. A wilderness room gives increased defense, an urban room decreases the barrier's defense. Memory of Nature is taken to account in this, like all Ranger wilderness checks.

Due to the timing and nature of this release, this is going to an immediate general preview.

In addition to ETC, two other Ranger spells have been touched today.

River in the Sky:
RITS was missing the wilderness difficulty mod that is standard for Ranger spells, this has been corrected. In addition, its pre-reqs was replaced with ETC. Due to this, RITS is back on preview until ETC is taken off preview and is learnable.

Bloodthorns was missing the wilderness difficulty mod and this has been added. In addition, its pre-req was changed to include Awaken Forest as a possible qualifer. Now you can learn Bloodthorns if you know Devitalize OR Awaken Forest.

Thanks to Armifer for the code work and Zadraes for the quick QC!
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