Calissa again! on 12/05/2004 07:42 PM CST
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I remember my very first day in the realms. I met Snare and he dragged me around to beisswiurms with a couple other rangers. Then when they left we ran off to dryads. Then when they started hammering me he figured out I was still first circle and my only weapon was a dagger. Snare started heading back with me and told me to lead the way! It took awhile for me to find the way out and then back to the ferry but I did. The next day I headed up to beisswurms by myself...then I found cave bears then I found out about dying. I just popped back in and was wondering what all has changed in the last couple of years? =)

Calissa's mind
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Re: Calissa again! on 12/06/2004 11:31 AM CST
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A lot has changed. Check out the GM announcements folder it is probably the easiest way to get a brief on semi-details.

Horses are catchable by rangers with enought circles and skill and trainable (horses that is).

Many changes to combat.

Tracking changed to scouting as the skill name and there are different things you can do with scouting, though it isn't quick like it used to be.

Skill reqs changed.

Foraging 2.0 is out.

Magic has changed and is still changed (not all for the better in some areas).

Some new spells...many new beseeches.

Bunches of other stuff.

Disarming changed, lockpicking is the same.

Aspects of combat have changed many times.

Bunches of other stuff.


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Re: Calissa again! on 12/06/2004 11:32 AM CST
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Oh, and welcome back.


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Re: Calissa again! on 12/08/2004 07:56 PM CST
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Welcome back Calissa!

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