P5 ziplines on 12/14/2006 10:15 AM CST
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Has anyone a)mapped out where all the ziplines go to and from and/or b)figured out what it takes to ride them?

I'd do a), but I keep ending up on my rump in places I don't want to be on my rump, i.e. boars, because of my lack of knowledge about b).

Thanks in advance,
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Re: P5 ziplines on 12/14/2006 10:42 AM CST
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I can only answer part of that Launtris. Kythryns maps have zip line locations on them. I usually go to Olwydd's site to link to it www.olwydd.org. Since falling off the lines is a variable I don't think you always land in the same place when you fall. However the point a to point b marks on the map should help you pinpoint your location.

As far as what it takes to ride them. I'm not sure if skills are a factor. I've fallen as much as I've completed the ride, same thing with Zinaca and she is much higher circle than I.

Gahlron Dragon'Claws
~Mors ante dedecum
Nihil ante coffeum~
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Re: P5 ziplines on 12/14/2006 10:48 AM CST
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If I'm clean of wounds and no burden I've never fallen off.

Range Master Dragamar, Recluse of Aesry Sulaenis'a
Brother Urio, Follower of Urrem'tier
Cadet Ltorilu, Up and Coming Paladin
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