Wilderness Mapping? on 01/18/2016 05:27 PM CST
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So unlike mana in a room, the "state" of wilderness (or lack thereof) is static (outside of certain spells/beseeches). Are there maps showing this?
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Re: Wilderness Mapping? on 01/18/2016 05:35 PM CST
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I don't think so. The best bet would be Kythryn's maps which have life mana levels and foraging spots on it. I don't think she included wilderness levels, but I could be mistaken.

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Re: Wilderness Mapping? on 01/18/2016 05:54 PM CST
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>>I don't think so. The best bet would be Kythryn's maps which have life mana levels and foraging spots on it. I don't think she included wilderness levels, but I could be mistaken.

How should I read the life mana levels given the role that Attunement plays some role. At some level does Attunement add only marginally to available mana levels?

And wouldn't the level depend on the seasons?

"The Life mana bonus cycle involves the seasons, solstices and equinoxes. Life mana rises and falls with the seasons, generally around the solstices, and has the longest cycle of any mana type."


I'm curious given the description of Life Mana (https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/index.php/Category:Life_magic)

"Life mana is the energy produced from the continuing struggle between order and chaos. Everything around you is in a state on the spectrum between total chaos, and total order. As each of these opposing forces act on an object, life mana is produced. In an area where these two forces are equal, there is relatively little mana. Conversely, in an area where one of these two forces prevails over the other, there is an abundance of life mana."

In general, you could imagine four quadrants between Life mana and Wilderness.

I: High Life, Wilderness/Out of Town.
II: High Life, In Town.
III: Low Life, Wilderness
IV: Low Life, In Town.

But I'd imagine based on the description there are two main types of area, with the correlation between order/chaos leading to a lot of High Life rooms that are at the extreme ends of the Out of Town-In Town spectrum. I'd expect neutral rooms for the Ranger bonus to also be weak in Life. Has anyone looked into this though?
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Re: Wilderness Mapping? on 01/18/2016 07:25 PM CST
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The seasonal bonus to mana, while the largest bonus of room based mana types, is still relatively small.

Mana levels are set independently of wilderness level. One, because life mana isn't conceptually just a ranger thing. And two, because the manastorm that changed all mana levels was a random reset of all rooms. Only certain specific spots might have had their mana levels adjusted if it made sense. E.g. if a guild hall's main gathering spot had crappy mana for said guild it probably would have been increased, or if someone complained that an entire hunting area only had very small amounts of a mana type then a few rooms might have been tweaked. Manually setting anything more than that would have been a daunting, and slightly insane, task given the number of rooms in the game.

As for her maps, I think she just included something like if a room was good, bad, or average and didn't indicate anything more specific, for the reasons you state.

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Re: Wilderness Mapping? on 01/18/2016 07:40 PM CST
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>But I'd imagine based on the description there are two main types of area, with the correlation between order/chaos leading to a lot of High Life rooms that are at the extreme ends of the Out of Town-In Town spectrum. I'd expect neutral rooms for the Ranger bonus to also be weak in Life. Has anyone looked into this though?

I'm not sure if the room still affects life mana -- all room mana was ret-set with a randomization routine around 3.0 in order to make the distribution more fair. Generally lore was adjusted so mana is the result of more esoteric process and not every altar needs to have the best possible mana etc.

I don't know of any wilderness level maps, but Kythryn does (or did) map Life mana.

Your search-fu is pig dung!
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Re: Wilderness Mapping? on 01/18/2016 07:49 PM CST
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>>Mana levels are set independently of wilderness level. One, because life mana isn't conceptually just a ranger thing. And two, because the manastorm that changed all mana levels was a random reset of all rooms. Only certain specific spots might have had their mana levels adjusted if it made sense. E.g. if a guild hall's main gathering spot had crappy mana for said guild it probably would have been increased, or if someone complained that an entire hunting area only had very small amounts of a mana type then a few rooms might have been tweaked. Manually setting anything more than that would have been a daunting, and slightly insane, task given the number of rooms in the game.

Oh I forgot about the manastorm. So a wilderness level should reflect the room description, but the mana level is just random (with some changes to specific spots). Interesting.

For the four quadrant theory then it's entirely random and not correlated. So mapping wilderness + high life mana might be an interesting hobby.
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Re: Wilderness Mapping? on 01/19/2016 04:42 PM CST
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What would be more interesting is mapping the level of wilderness in rooms. The wilderness setting of a room affects the amount of mana you can put into spells, and this shows up with DISCERN. It isn't an exacting measure, of course, but it does provide some interesting information. For instance, the west room in the Crossing Guild is slightly more wild than the room to the east, and the room directly outside the Guild.

I've not gone around many other places to check things out, but during 3.0 testing I did find some other spots around Zoluren that were interesting.

I do have half a mind to check out some areas and do a little wilderness mapping, mostly because it's so difficult to find the right hunting area that doesn't also tank your bonus. I'll post my findings once I can find some time to do a little wandering.

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