Ranger magic on 09/03/2013 03:46 AM CDT
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Well I'm back after 6 months unexpected hiatus. The problem is that I left just after DR3 came out and so now I'm not all that familiar with training--especially magic.

Does anyone know at which point one can cast the cyclic spells? Seems weird that I can't cast them. My magics are in the 250's ranges except for TM. Can anyone tell me where I can train TM with 147 ranks in it?

Thanks in advance. Oh yeah and I already looked in Elanthipedia but didn't find anything specifying TM training for rangers.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow (she grew while I was gone! I'm a proud mama)
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Re: Ranger magic on 09/03/2013 09:15 AM CDT
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Stampede teaches TM great.
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Re: Ranger magic on 09/03/2013 09:55 AM CDT
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>Does anyone know at which point one can cast the cyclic spells?

After you charge cambrinth or pick up the raw channeling feat; that's the problem for a lot of people. If that's not it then use less mana because you should be able to cast esoterics with 250s in Aug and Ward. Do you check to make sure your concentration is full? After a lot of spell casting it tends to run down and handicaps your casting ability.
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Re: Ranger magic on 09/03/2013 04:09 PM CDT
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Bear Strength and Cheetah Swiftness are both Esoteric, and therefore pretty difficult to cast. Around 250 ranks in Augmentation and Warding should be a start. You have to make sure you either a) harness mana, b) charge/invoke a cambrinth item, or c) have the Raw Channeling feat, in order to power a cyclic.

TM works just the same as before, you need a critter that teaches at those ranks in order to learn TM (and Debilitation).

In general, for working magics (i.e. Augmentation, Utility, Warding), you need to cast spells that are challenging for your skills. Mana = difficulty for the most part now, so increasing the amount of mana you use is the most effective way of training. You should definitely invest in and use cambrinth in your daily training. You should also plan on getting some Feats to all of this easier for you.

Ranger-specific suggestions:

Augmentation: Wolf Scent
Utility: Compost (you don't need to actually compost anything to train)
Warding: Essence of Yew
Debilitation: Grizzly Claws
Targeted: Stampede

Find your personal casting cap, and step down 5-10 mana, to where you can comfortably cast the spells repeatedly, to train. Good luck!

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Re: Ranger magic on 09/03/2013 09:59 PM CDT
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Thanks for the suggestions. I have cams so will fiddle with more/less mana charging. Never thought to check concentration...anyone know if discipline increases concentration? I seem to remember it did but hey, I'm old, I can't trust the memory.

I use the other spells a lot or well I'm starting to but I really wanted to use cyclics since they train multiple skills so well.

So off to the wilds to try things out!

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Ranger magic on 09/03/2013 11:25 PM CDT
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Concentration= (Disc * 3)+(Int * 1.5)+(Stam * .5)

mundus vult decipi, ergo decipiatur
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Re: Ranger magic on 09/03/2013 11:52 PM CDT
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Concentration= (Disc * 3)+floor(Int * 1.5)+(Stam)

TG, TG, GL, et al.

"Disagreement with the fundamental plan at this point is akin to supporting Richard III vs the Tudors."
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Re: Ranger magic on 09/04/2013 12:57 AM CDT
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Just for your info...I needed raw channeling, deep attunement and dedicated cam feats. Now I can cast BES!

Haven't tried cs yet.

Zinaca and her fully-grown raccoon, Shadow
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Re: Ranger magic on 09/18/2013 04:06 AM CDT
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Chances are you didn't need them. However mana is consumed very quickly now. And unless you start the spell with enough held prior, and constantly feed it, it will deplete and fall/fail. Getting raw channeling makes this considerably easier to handle.

Careful with getting feats, as they cost spell slots. And currently you technically have 0 spells.

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