why should I circle on 10/08/2018 02:17 AM CDT
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Curious, what are the benefits for circling after 150? I have all the spells. I dont get anymore TDPs. I been sitting on a few levels for some time. Whats the point other than the Rossmans register?


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
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Re: why should I circle on 10/08/2018 06:30 AM CDT
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Grandfathering is a big one, if new skills or requirements are added. Typically they get added at a rate tied to either a skill or a level.

Amusingly enough the 'circle' page on the wiki doesn't talk about level 100 and 150 break points.
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Re: why should I circle on 10/08/2018 07:27 AM CDT
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Hmm... boar clan register, thump command, wisdom of the pack messaging easter egg (I think it is circle-based, anyway). There are not a lot of generic circle-based things that come to mind.
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Re: why should I circle on 10/08/2018 07:31 AM CDT
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>Curious, what are the benefits for circling after 150?

The only 'benefit' right now is bragging rights.

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: why should I circle on 10/13/2018 09:29 PM CDT
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<<<There are not a lot of generic circle-based things that come to mind.>>> Sortik

<<<The only 'benefit' right now is bragging rights.>>> Sauva

Exactly what I thought. I've been the same circle since before DR 3.0. I have all the spells with many slots available, all the beseeches. Might as well stay the same, until I can make 200 I guess.

So, next question, how many of you still have any exp bonus? I havent used much of mine and have quite a bit left. I was saving it for when I got near max level. I figured its more valuable at near 200 then it is at 153. Thoughts.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
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Re: why should I circle on 10/13/2018 10:23 PM CDT
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Plus, I hate foraging, and its the only thing holding me back for several circles.


Also, please remember to watch the conflicts ~Sidatura
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Re: why should I circle on 10/14/2018 08:37 AM CDT
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>So, next question, how many of you still have any exp bonus? I havent used much of mine and have quite a bit left. I was saving it for when I got near max level. I figured its more valuable at near 200 then it is at 153. Thoughts.

I burned mine. It was nice I guess, but I didn't really notice a difference. Everything is just pretty slow. Here's hoping that rested exp makes things a bit more fun. I still have quite a few goals for crafting I want to hit, and tert skills are awful slow!

~Hunter Hanryu
>Everything Rangers have is just a lame version of something cool.~Morkim
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Re: why should I circle on 10/24/2018 12:10 PM CDT
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Are there any mobs that still flex to circle? Or do they all flex to skill now?
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