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Help with training on 02/15/2021 03:44 PM CST
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Decided to jump back into the game for a bit and need some help with training a few skills. I'm trying to train my Athletics (412) and been swimming in the Faldesu river, but I can barely get it over pondering. I spend a good 20-30 minutes in the river with not much to show for it when compared to 3-5 minutes of collecting rocks to ML Outdoorsmanship (425). I could also use some help training Augmentation (229) and Attunement (231). Here are the spells I have:

Wolf Scent, See the Wind, Instinct, Bear Strength, Grizzly Claws, and Senses of the Tiger
Hands of Lirisa, Earth Meld, Essence of Yew, Blend, Skein of Shadows, Oath of the Firstborn, and Athleticism

I've tried casting in/out of combat and can barely get it moving. I use a cambrinth item out of combat and cycle through the various spells without much movement in learning.

Any help will greatly be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Player of Pathyn
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Re: Help with training on 02/15/2021 04:03 PM CST
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Welcome back! Hit me up on discord, Jalika#4159.

Swimming is not the way to train athletics. If you can find an area that has multiple climbables that don't give you RT that each, that's a viable option (crossing walls, trees in lang, xala or wyvern cliffs. Honestly though, the new Breaking & Entering system is a great, fast way to train it. On top of locking thievery and stealth (if you find items) you'll get either athletics or locksmithing half locked (17/34). If you're able to come to the ranger mentor meeting tomorrow night, 9pm EST we can go through details. If you mess up you can find yourself with a big fine, but once you have the system down its basically fool proof.

Outdoorsmanship is boring, but Hanryu did some data collecting and finding a difficult item on regular forage can give more bits for time invested. I am foraging individual dioica sap.

For magic, you can check the latest tree here. You'll want to cast near your cap, and if you find you're blowing through mana and not learning you can look up the magic symbiosis system. For attunement I just perceive in combat once the timer is up to keep it moving passively.

There's a ranger discord group, so come join and you'll get lots of good info.

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Re: Help with training on 02/15/2021 04:37 PM CST
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Here are my 2 kronars to help out with your goals here:

- For athletics (and locksmithing), the new burgle system is great as Jalika mentioned: Besides climbing many individual things, another option is to 'CLIMB PRACTICE (object)' where the target is a climbable obstacle. In your rank range, I think you would do well on the silverbirch branch near the northern gondola platform between Leth and Shard.

- For spellcasting, try the 'DISCERN (spell abbrev)' command to get an idea of what kind of mana you can use. For example, DISCERN STW would estimate your mana cap for See the Wind. A good rule of thumb for a spell you have not capped is to try casting at about 90% of that number and see how well that trains or if it backfires - increase or decrease the mana as needed.
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Re: Help with training on 02/15/2021 05:20 PM CST
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Thank you! It was wonderful seeing you again! Thanks for all the information and taking me on my first B&E adventure! /grin That alone will be a big game changer for me. I'm going to take everything you said and give it a whirl.

Player of Pathyn
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Re: Help with training on 02/15/2021 05:21 PM CST
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Thanks for the info on DISCERN. I'll give it a try along with everything else!

Player of Pathyn
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Re: Help with training on 02/16/2021 07:13 AM CST
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Some great advice here (especially about joining the discord server). Couple of additions:

POW timer is 60ish seconds between learning pulses.
Power walk everywhere, mana regeneration is garbage on a tert, so we need the ranks
Get the mana efficiency magic feats if you have spare slots (!wiki Magical_feats)
Scan 'toggle', 'flag', and 'set' (there's been tons of QOL stuff added, and a lot is hidden in those commands)

Welcome back!

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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Re: Help with training on 02/16/2021 04:42 PM CST
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Welcome back Pathyn!

I was like you and trained my first 150 ranks of athletics in the river before discovering Climb Practice and Burgling. Climb Practice allows you to practice climbing an object over and over again.

Check out the Ranger Discord, it's a great amount of knowledge in the group and they aren't shy about helping out.
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Re: Help with training on 02/16/2021 05:09 PM CST
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Thanks for the info, Hanryu! I've never been much into magic and it has come back to haunt me. All the info I've received so far has been helping my skills move along smoothly. I've decided to just back train a few skills instead of focusing on circling, so no rush right now to move forward.

Thanks again!

Player of Pathyn
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Re: Help with training on 02/17/2021 09:28 AM CST
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Pathyn, welcome back as well. As others have mentioned use climbing to train athletics, it's more efficient. Climb practice works well. Also if you have GAF, you can cast that and research most magic skills. Researching magic skills will allow you to do a lot of things while researching. Running trails, foraging and climbing are a few that I know of.

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Re: Help with training on 02/18/2021 07:19 PM CST
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I had forgotten about practice. I'll check it out as well. So far B&E has been amazing, but I want to look at all options. I was worried the guild was dead since the boards looked empty, but it seems everyone has jumped into Discord!

I'll check out those magic options. I've been able to move it along now after using discern and tweaking how I was prepping my spells.

Thanks everyone!

Player of Pathyn
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