Ranger Signature Attack on 02/25/2019 02:22 PM CST
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I would like to propose the idea of adding a signature attack to Rangers that will fill a much-needed role that we are currently lacking(aside from unique guild flavor):


Load your favorite bow(or crossbow), and take stock of the area you're in. Find the perfect spots to fire a projectile to make it bounce into your target and beyond, hitting any creatures that're currently engaged with you.
This could function along the lines of a ranged whirlwind attack. This would give Rangers an AOE attack which they desperately need, and a way to train scouting that isn't running trails for no reason.

Maybe also require SK to be active to use this ability, without tying the ability itself to a tertiary skillset, to give that spell an additional benefit. I'm not 100% certain it fits in with the theme of the spell, as I can't find the flavor text for it anywhere.
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Re: Ranger Signature Attack on 05/07/2019 09:30 AM CDT
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I would like to expand on this idea further(even though I know no one actually reads this forum).

I'd love to see a series of physical abilities all centered around the idea that Ranger's should be the top dogs of non-magical ranged combat, without just making them stealth monsters.

The tentatively named Trickshot -

Trickshot Arc -
Fire an arrow high enough into the air that it bypasses shield. DFA attack.

Trickshot Ricochet -
Previously suggested, fire an arrow at the environment, striking the right surfaces to make the arrow bounce between all targets engaged with you. Basically ranged whirlwind.

Trickshot Pin -
Fire an arrow into a target's leg, preventing them from advancing/retreating for a short period.

Trickshot Reload -
A standard aimed shot with a slightly longer roundtime, that nocks another arrow immediately after firing.

Rangers need a little more oomph, and by tying these to the scouting skill, it gives us a method to train scouting that isn't mindlessly running trails.
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Re: Ranger Signature Attack on 05/07/2019 12:19 PM CDT
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Not that I'm reading the forum or anything but..

the visual of shooting someone in the foot to make them stay still (and probably very distracted) made me giggle a little.

And while I have NO idea how complex it would be to be able to change loading bows without actually typing in the commands, that is an interesting idea!

The Ricochet and Arc ideas leave me stumbling over visuals of arrows glancing off helms and tapping opponents in a playful game of Duck, Duck, Goose...

Now, a hard, round, rubbery projectile, on the other hand.. might thwap someone hard enough to be a very efficient distraction and/or source of pain, and being rubbery would make the thing more likely to bounce...

Again, I'm nowhere near capable of diving into combat code, myself...
but I am adding this to my list of interesting ideas.

What would tie these sorts of things to scouting?

Doing stuff
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Re: Ranger Signature Attack on 05/07/2019 12:33 PM CDT
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I guess I'd say it would mostly treat scouting as an extension of perception, and being able to apply your perception to your environment to figure out how to accomplish these feats. It's a little bit of an interpretation of 'scouting', but scouting's current use is pretty narrow in scope.

I can get behind the idea of some more status effects and debuffs with this, sort of akin to ambushes, but I want to let it be known, rangers don't need more toys, we need more power.
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Re: Ranger Signature Attack on 05/07/2019 01:13 PM CDT
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Great ideas. Support all of them and the idea rangers need more power. I feel like they’ve been gimped for too long behind the guise of a facially decent skill set. As magic and related contests/abilities have ascended, the true measure of a guild’s ultimately lies in the special abilities or like-spells they have. Rangers should get AOE ranged, DFA ranged, and something to help disable running for at least a bit.

Not to sidetrack, but on that latter point, I would love to see scouting resurrect the old tracking ability to instantly catch up with someone you “tracked.” That can be a super powerful tool and I liked watched Sammee use it to great ends way back in the day. There’s lot of ways to duck moon mage locates etc these days, but if a ranger catches your trail, it should be pretty much impossible to get away. Make it an SvS scouting/outdoors hybrid test or something (do not make it any skill vs stealth). A decent ranger tracking me with a DFA arrow should be scary.

Hope not ever to see Heaven. I have come to lead you to the
other shore; into eternal darkness; into fire and into ice. —Inferno
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Re: Ranger Signature Attack on 05/08/2019 05:21 AM CDT
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Love the suggestions, I'd love to see these abilities.

>As magic and related contests/abilities have ascended, the true measure of a guild’s ultimately lies in the special abilities or like-spells they have.

This is something that I didn't know bothered me so much.

It's good to have a well-differentiated magic skillset, but it's for the purpose of having differentiated guilds... and too much of that differentiation currently happens under the magic umbrella, so it's nice to see alternatives suggested.
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Re: Ranger Signature Attack on 05/08/2019 01:11 PM CDT
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A few other ideas.

1. Give Snipe an alphastrike, maybe while hidden. Duplicate the backstab functionality, but only if using a ranged weapon.
2. Create a rapidfire toggle. Drains concentration, broken when using AIM or dual load. If you shoot your bow it auto-loads an arrow from your quiver at 1s RT (or 0).
3. If hunting with a full-grown wolf, make a charisma check everytime your arrow lodges. The wolf will pull it out (aggravating the wound) and return it too your hand while you're in RT.
4. Your raccoon or wolf will attempt to trip something that tries to retreat from you.
5. An ability that lets you roll for success using scouting rather than debilitation or TM. Doesn't affect damage, just a binary hit/no-hit benefits.
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Re: Ranger Signature Attack on 05/09/2019 10:29 AM CDT
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Good ideas. I'd like to see something that makes rangers unique and powerful. Most other guilds that I'm aware of have abilities/spells that make them unique. Hope somethink like you suggest can be looked at to see if it's feasible.

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