>>I would put this question to him though, what does he mean when he says he's proud to be a ranger?
I'm proud to be a Ranger for a lot of reasons.
I'm proud that our guild has difficult requirements that we work through to excel.
I'm proud that our guild is so well flesched out in history and lore.
I'm proud to be a Ranger because of all the great stuff that we have, and will get in the future.
I'm proud to be a Ranger because of what direction our guild as a whole is going in.
I'm proud to be a Ranger because of all the great GMs we have had, have now, and will have. (Wub ya Jent!)
I'm proud to be a Ranger because of our cool new 100+ titles. :)
I'm proud to be a Ranger because of our unique connection with animal life.
I'm proud that we have such great mentors workin for our guild, having such awesome events for us all the time.
And I'm also proud of the Ranger guild because it is my personal guild, my home. It's the only guild I've ever really loved to play, out of all the guilds that I have experimented with (read: All the guilds but traders and pallys)
Most of all, however, I'm proud to be a Ranger because of all the great people in the guild.
I have formed friendships with so many other Rangers in my (almost) two years here, and they are some of the best people in the world bar none. They work hard, they play hard, and they aren't afraid to rush in and die to help out a friend. They always do their best, they always take pride in what they do, and they always have dreams of becoming something better than what they are now. That's something that I take pride in when looking at our guild as a whole, our ability to adapt and to overcome. To constantly improve ourselves, never taking a step back and always looking ahead to the future.
Of course, because of the great people in our guild, I sign my posts with Proud Ranger of Elanthia and I play Teeklin with our guild creed always in mind.
No Ranger Stands Alone.
That's not a motto for me, but my Ranger's total way of life. Anyone who knows me knows that I would drop everything I'm doing in Shard and run out to M'riss in a heartbeat if another Ranger asked me to. I do that because of all the great Rangers that have come before me, and because of all the great Rangers still to come. I do that kind of thing because that's what DR is all about for me when I play Teeklin. Teeklin is going to be someone who truly wears the Warden and Guardian titles with pride, because I play him as someone who protects and helps the guild he's proud of. I want to be the best Ranger I can be because I'm proud of our guild, and of all the great people in it.
It just so happens that since I say it so much in game, (and since I am so proud of our guild and all it's awesome members) I thought it would be fitting for my message board signature.
-Teeklin Tessenoak, Proud Ranger of Elanthia
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to do anything.