Thanks, Zephyria. I plan to sit down and tiller one of each then appraise them, I should be able to fill the chart out quickly, most of it anyway. The one thing I can't get is the ranks where they cap. I am being told the rank caps have been changed, in fact lowered a little bit from what they were, by someone who's tried it.
Since I can't just lower my ranks until the value starts dropping, that's not something I can test on my own. Well, not with Krin anyway ... but it could take a little while to train my TF Ranger up to get that info.
The only question on my mind, really, is: how long to Fletching 2? If we're talking only a few months, then putting all that effort into revamping the chart may not be worth it, since likely everything will be changing, possibly even before the chart is finished. Especially since it sounds like the new fletching will be more like tanning, in that there will be more factors to it and it could take a while to nail down the process.
It could be of worth when assessing "old" bows, but I've always been the type to vault an "old" bow for collecting purposes and go get used to using something I know I can replace if it gets lost or destroyed. Then laugh to myself everytime I hear about someone paying ridiculous prices for an "old" one they don't really need. :-D
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"