Folks, I have been receiving several reports lately of errors in my calcs. I have double checked them and so far the numbers I see my calc generating match the numbers expected based on the GM posts on each Guild's new req's or, in the case of the 4 Guilds still without new req's, the best data I could find on what their old req's were.
I'm going to go ahead and hit each calc again, testing them for the major circle break points (10, 30, 70, 100, 125, 150, 200) and double check the numbers one more time, just in case.
Please do NOT report my calcs are in error simply because they do not agree with Olwydd's (turns out that is what several of these reports are actually about). Please report they are in error only if they do not appear to match your own results when circling because unless the system balks you I am sticking to what the GM's stated the req's actually are.
I have received 3 reports now about the Barbarian calcs from three different people but from what I can see, in all 3 cases it's my numbers don't match Olwydd's yet they match the most recent GM posts I have for Barbarians. I just now double-checked and my notes do indeed match those posts and the calc matches my notes. Olwydd's appears to be using the numbers prior to Skiori's followup post (Barbs, GM Announce, #22) where the survival req's were adjusted. He's showing 4/circle for 100+ but mine shows 3/circle for that same range, which is what GM Skiori said it would be. Unless something changed and it wasn't posted in the GM Announcement folder, that's what I'm sticking with.
And even if it's a case of you need more than my calc says you do, be prepared to BUG it in game if I respond to you saying that's not what the GM posts said it should be, it could very well be a bug in the game. Sometime this weekend I'll do the run-down on all my calcs and see if I find any errors, I'll post when that's done.
"Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati"
"Goblins ... aisle 6, Mycthengelde ... hunt smart, hunt S-Mart!"
"You whine like a mule ... you are still alive!"
"Call me Snake."