I've just finished my new website called The Dragon's egg. There, you will be able to order boxes online so you can work your lockpicking skills.
Check it out
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg on 05/02/2005 01:39 AM CDT
The Dragon's Egg - Free box day added on 05/16/2005 09:28 PM CDT
Free box day was added to the website. Keep an eye out for what day it is.
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg - Arker Blades and Coupe Lockpicks added on 05/27/2005 01:23 AM CDT
I just updated the website to include Arker's blades and Coupe lockpicks. Enjoy!
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg - Now selling CHEAP GWETHS on 07/03/2005 11:52 AM CDT
Sick of getting a crap deal on gweths? So am I. The Dragon's Egg welcome Dyten and Rencin to its Den to offer your feeble minds with the opportunity to annoy everyone with your simple minded thinking. All for a low price, some of the lowest in the realms. So if your a think-nut like I am and enjoy people telling you that they are about to smash their gweths because of you like I do, then come to The Dragon's Egg and "buy, buy, buy?" (As Precious would say).
The Dragon's Egg can be found at www.geocities.com/drboxes
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg can be found at www.geocities.com/drboxes
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg on 08/29/2005 09:50 PM CDT
A bunch of updates to the catalog
Added a guestbook and guestmap, so everyone sign it!
Also, I'm looking for a Master Fletcher that is ALWAYS in game that would like to start selling their goods using The Dragon's Egg. You can contact me if interested through the website, which can be found here: www.geocities.com/drboxes
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
Added a guestbook and guestmap, so everyone sign it!
Also, I'm looking for a Master Fletcher that is ALWAYS in game that would like to start selling their goods using The Dragon's Egg. You can contact me if interested through the website, which can be found here: www.geocities.com/drboxes
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
The Dragon's Egg - Site update on 09/13/2005 01:14 PM CDT
We just added Blunts and Horses to the catalog. Take a look.
The Dragon's Egg - www.geocities.com/drboxes
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
The Dragon's Egg - www.geocities.com/drboxes
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
The Dragon's Egg on 01/01/2007 12:17 AM CST
Taking limited orders right now because I will be without internet for a month or so. So check out the website.
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan" ~From skinning debate
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan" ~From skinning debate
The Dragon's Egg is now Hiring! on 05/26/2007 12:37 PM CDT
The Dragon's Egg is looking for those that wish to sell their product through an outside vendor. This will enable you to sell more product, even while you are sleeping. Thousands of people have visited The Dragon's Egg and have enjoyed its product. If you are interested, contact me on my pigeon or through my scroll. www.geocities.com/drboxes
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan" ~From skinning debate
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan" ~From skinning debate
Re: The Dragon's Egg is now Hiring! on 05/26/2007 12:51 PM CDT
Re: The Dragon's Egg is now Hiring! on 05/26/2007 03:39 PM CDT
Because I wanted to shrugs
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan" ~From skinning debate
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan" ~From skinning debate
Re: The Dragon's Egg is now Hiring! on 05/26/2007 08:56 PM CDT
The Dragon's Egg - New Home on 06/16/2007 03:39 AM CDT
I got sick of geocities shutting down my site when too many people visited it, and their ads are so annoying, so I've decided to pack up shop and move it. Check out the new page at www.thedragonsegg.net
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan"
Gimlias Minas-Tirith
Box Seller
The Dragon's Egg
"I won't learn anything - even if I arrange and try to skin it with a trader's caravan"
Re: The Dragon's Egg - New Home on 06/16/2007 08:01 AM CDT
Re: The Dragon's Egg - New Home on 06/16/2007 02:59 PM CDT
The stupid side bar is a limitation of the free package. Symphaena.com (estate holder neighborhood list and empath manipulation list) is a geocities website.
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html
J'Lo, I'm a ranger.. I'd believe anything.....
The Manipulation List -- http://symphaena.com/index.html