Tentative New Race Gifts on 07/30/2009 02:04 PM CDT
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As you plan the next race, please consider the gifts. The cuff/knife set has a nice look and set of verbs when worn, but removal and storage are a PITA.

Had an old cuff from a set like this and it acts the same. Have to take out the knife, remove the cuff and store them separately. Likely why only the cuff survives.

>tap cuff
a wide leather arm cuff branded with the crest of the Ranger guild

>look at cuff
Elegant script has been embroidered under the branded crest of a crouching mountain lion surrounded by a thicket of thorns over a blazing sun. In shimmering (but it doesn't) threads of gold it reads, "No Ranger stands alone."

>tap knife
a bone-handled outdoors knife engraved with the Ranger guild crest
>look at knif
Etched on each side of the blade is the image of a crouching mountain lion surrounded by a thicket of thorns over a blazing sun.


>rem cuff
You'll have to take your outdoors knife out of your arm cuff first.

>wie knif
You draw out your outdoors knife from the arm cuff, gripping it firmly in your right hand

>rem cuff
You need your hands free to remove your arm cuff.

>stow knif
You put your knife in your staff harness.

>rem cuf
You carefully remove your arm cuff from your upper arm.

>wie knif
You draw out your outdoors knife from the staff harness, gripping it firmly in your left hand

>put knif in cuff
But you're not wearing a wide leather arm cuff branded with the crest of the Ranger guild.

>she knif in cuff
But you're not wearing a wide leather arm cuff branded with the crest of the Ranger guild.
>slip knife in cuff
You can't put that in there!

>scream cuff
You begin to scream at a wide leather arm cuff branded with the crest of the Ranger guild. Are you feeling okay?

One ponders how the sets came to be in the crate of gifts as they are worn, knife in cuff. The mind boggles. Small print: Many "volunteers" lost arms in the manufacture of these items.

Tentative next race item:

How about a nice cambrinth item with a ranger theme? Valynn (and mentors?) made nice ones for the Ranger picnic she ran. Could we get one with a guild crest? Can it hold 50 mana? Only one I've ever seen with a crest was from the Ghost Ship Ranger prize.


Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.

Tvini gets a Nilerbone brain from inside her canvas sack.
Tvini pokes her Nilerbone brain.
Nilerbone sneezes!
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Re: Tentative New Race Gifts on 07/30/2009 02:52 PM CDT
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The cuffs were not my design, so any flaws in that aren't something I'm capable of fixing.

However, camb might be a possibility. I'll look into it. If nothing else, I might be able to have Audacia or another GM copy a wide cambrinth armband, and then use that as a basis for an alteration. It only holds 48 mana, but, unless there was some major reason why it had to hold 50, I think we're about close 'nuff. I'll play around with it and see what I can come up with.

And Hanryu, the question about stealing wasn't so much the 'can we steal items from the shops and use them' sort, so much as the 'is it ok to steal other racers' coin so they can't ride the ferry?'
I don't have a direct answer for this. It's something we'll have to look at and think on. More to follow on that.

No Ranger Stands Alone
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Re: Tentative New Race Gifts on 07/30/2009 08:12 PM CDT
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>>However, camb might be a possibility. I'll look into it. If nothing else, I might be able to have Audacia or another GM copy a wide cambrinth armband, and then use that as a basis for an alteration. It only holds 48 mana, but, unless there was some major reason why it had to hold 50, I think we're about close 'nuff. I'll play around with it and see what I can come up with.

Cambrinth progresses by multiples of 4. So cambrinth ring holds 4, earcuff, 8... armband 32. You get the idea. You won't find a camb item that holds 50. 52 perhaps, 48 sure, but not 50. Thats not to say you can't put that much mana in, just what it holds goes by multiples of 4.
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Re: Tentative New Race Gifts on 07/30/2009 08:29 PM CDT
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I do believe modern cambrinth is no longer limited by this.

Seriously I think you must not hunt. - Verathor, who is standing at the back of the line.
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Re: Tentative New Race Gifts on 07/30/2009 08:31 PM CDT
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I don't think so. I think it's by design, which continues. See: Latest Magic shop in Aesry.

TG, TG, GL, et al.
Also: Moo.
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Re: Tentative New Race Gifts on 07/30/2009 10:06 PM CDT
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We don't have to pick nits here. 50 was a ballpark number based on the gold armbands, bracelets, and anklets from the guts-tossing game at the god fest. They, in fact, hold 52 mana. A worn camb that holds that much mana is very useful for some of us.

Master Craftsman Thryntyrlz BagMaker steps out from under Caelfind's road-worn traveler's cloak.

Tvini gets a Nilerbone brain from inside her canvas sack.
Tvini pokes her Nilerbone brain.
Nilerbone sneezes!
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