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Ranger Event Preferences on 03/22/2016 12:57 PM CDT
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What kind of events do the active Rangers like to see? I've got a list of stuff I thought of, but could use some feedback and additional ideas.

1. Social - social gatherings hosted by a GMPC or a PC.
2. Political - Involvement with local politics.
3. Guildleader - Guildleaders becoming "alive"
4. Task or Quest - The Guild needs supplies or needs for you to do something.
5. Trailblazing - Group adventuring with GMPC or a PC. Could involve lore.
6. Other - make suggestions!

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Re: Ranger Event Preferences on 03/22/2016 08:36 PM CDT
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All of those sound promising to me, but especially 5 (or a mix of 4 and 5?). I can't quite envision what politics (2) we might get into.. but I'm sure there are some, too.

I have never met Roopardua.
It would be fun if we had a little group quest to get clues on where to meet him (or another ranger GMPC, if he isn't ready to reveal himself)

Maybe a one time task/quest to lead up to your release of Memory of Nature and the release of the foci that (I think) goes with it. (and all the other awesome changes you have pending)
I know you have a lot going on so simple things would be great for many of them. Maybe just a meet & greet where the GMPC reveals the new ____, explain the lore behind the change, chat for a while.
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Re: Ranger Event Preferences on 03/22/2016 11:23 PM CDT
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Back in the day we used to run the Naked Ranger Races in Plat - those were always fun.
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Re: Ranger Event Preferences on 03/23/2016 09:13 AM CDT
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Give a Ranger a fish and you can feed him/her for a day. Have a Ranger fish, and you can feed him/her for a lifetime. I want to have a Ranger fishing contest.

If you must break the law, do it to seize power: in all other cases observe it. Julius Caesar
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Re: Ranger Event Preferences on 03/23/2016 10:09 AM CDT
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As long as I don't have to give the fish smells. /side eye @ Skaen

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Re: Ranger Event Preferences on 03/23/2016 04:53 PM CDT
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Interestingly enough, fish don't smell like anything. Fish don't even taste like anything. Sadface. Fish guts don't smell like anything, but eating them leaves your breath 'fresh'. However, if you mush up the fish guts and use them to mix up a jalbreth balm the balm smells like fish oil and tastes fishy.

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Re: Ranger Event Preferences on 03/23/2016 06:27 PM CDT
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Naked Ranger Races happened in prime to. They were my favorite. Lots of participation. We had GMNPCs, puzzles, stories, jokes, prizes. Its also where Jal gained her distrust of Tolle.

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Re: Ranger Event Preferences on 03/23/2016 07:59 PM CDT
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<Naked Ranger Races happened in prime to. They were my favorite.

I used to kill those. Sorry Rant! Good times for sure.

On a separate note I'd be interested to see something done with the caches. Anything.
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