::quietly slinks back into the shadows::
May check back in another few years. Safe paths all.
Re: ::waves:: on 09/04/2010 08:48 PM CDT
Re: ::waves:: on 09/05/2010 01:43 AM CDT
Re: ::waves:: on 09/14/2010 06:55 AM CDT
Re: ::waves:: on 09/16/2010 06:30 PM CDT
And another old fart steps out to say, "Hay ya all". Life bit me in the back side earlier this year, still not much free time to do much of anything. And starting to try to get back up to speed. (Damn, 6 months & a hole bunch of change.) Not making any commitments yet, just glad to see some names I actually know. ;)
Re: ::waves:: on 09/19/2010 08:49 PM CDT