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AF engagement bug on 12/04/2020 10:38 PM CST
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A snarling bronze leucro (7: solidly balanced) is behind Ranger at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (9: somewhat off balance) is facing Ranger at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (10: solidly balanced) is facing a forest spawn (1) at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (11: nimbly balanced) is behind a forest spawn (1) at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (12: nimbly balanced) is behind a forest spawn (1) at melee range.
A forest spawn (1: incredibly balanced) is facing a snarling bronze leucro (10) at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (13: badly balanced) is behind a forest spawn (1) at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (14: nimbly balanced) is behind a forest spawn (1) at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (15: solidly balanced) is behind a forest spawn (1) at melee range.
A snarling bronze leucro (16: nimbly balanced) is behind Ranger at melee range.
Ranger (nimbly balanced) is facing a snarling bronze leucro (9) at melee range.

This is happening in multiple hunting grounds at all levels. I personally don't see this happen with my spawn (although I don't use it that often), but it completely makes the area unhuntable when it happens. I'm sorry I don't have much more information to help figure out why this is happening.

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Re: AF engagement bug on 12/04/2020 11:59 PM CST
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Back in July they made it so that critters attacking other critters don't count towards spawn cap, so your tree buddy shouldn't be hurting other players.

Obviously the number of critters is eye-raising but have you somehow confirmed it's affecting the spawn caps for other players also?
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Re: AF engagement bug on 12/05/2020 07:16 AM CST
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>Back in July they made it so that critters attacking other critters don't count towards spawn cap, so your tree buddy shouldn't be hurting other players.

The 'fix' only applies to the first four critters engaged with a pet (same mechanic applies to empath and necro pets). So yes, the first 4 lucro aren't screwing with other hunters, but since the spawn is somehow hogging 6 critters it does pose a problem. I'd submit a bug in game also next time you see this. The forums are pretty quite and don't generate tracking info like the `bug` command does.

~Hunter Hanryu
>I would like to avoid the collection of broken dreams and sorrow that is the Ranger guild.~Agalea
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Re: AF engagement bug on 12/05/2020 01:28 PM CST
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Thanks, will do.

Yeah, I thought this was fixed too, but something about the spawn is making critters engage them beyond 4. It kills the spawn in the area. I've seen this happen in a number of hunting areas (that spawn 4 per player). Even after killing the extras, critters will still start doing it again and eventually kill the spawn for others.

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