Gods on 12/17/2009 07:59 PM CST
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What God/s does your Ranger follow? Why did you choose that particular God/Gods?

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 08:21 PM CST
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As a Rakash I thought it was vaulable to do what I can to respect the IG history, including the gods that were observed before traveling to the East. When I didnt have a totem I would get favors from Kuniyo since I had heard somewhere that he was the most like Coshivi, and a patron god for alot of Rangers (much love bloodwolves, keep it real!) who found it easy to get favors near the guild in Lang. However, once getting the totem Alexii pretty much abandoned the 13 and their aspects. The only altar within an hr traveling distance is Havroth, and thats just not my thing. Also, interesting to note that as a Rakash I also feel that its important for Alexii to avoid the World Dragon temple since hes in Muspar'i alot. I mean if the stories are true the dragon did kinda burn Mrod's face off.

Alexii points at a Velakan slaver and shouts, "Another one! Don't let it get away!"
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 08:35 PM CST
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Aroamer worships a number of gods for various reasons.

Aroamer worships Kuniyo as his main deity because in spirit Aroamer is extremely helpfull and always caring about people situations. He is more gentle than most followers of Everild and he enjoys lending helping hands and helping young novices aspire to become great, even greater than himself in most cases. Aroamer likes close quarters combat to vs ranged though he has some skill with a bow, but is more fond of his medium edged weapon. Aroamer hopes one day Kuniyo will come to him to ask him to be one of the noble youths the gods uses to venture out to help the young survive a harsh world.

Aroamer also worships Damris and offers sacrafice to him as well. Aroamer is always haunted by the nightmares from his former service during the Outcast war and his dealings with Naarg and his ogre minions. Damaris gives him relief from his nightmares and offers him peace with better dreams. Dreams of Aroamer's secret desire to be a spy one day for whatever province he ends up serving.

Lastly, Urrem'tier is a favored god of Aroamer. In Aroamer's adventures he has found that more times than not he ends up dead. Araomer is not a stupid ranger nor is he careless, but his strong sense of duty and curious nature does get him into trouble. Aroamer has found that by embracing the act of death as he enbraces life as a nature lover has brought him some luck in some dark situation. He thinks without his prayers to the God he would have even more death notches on his belt.

No ranger stands alone.
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 09:03 PM CST
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Kuniyo, Trothfang, Damaris, Everild

Kuniyo because Barnacus favors blades over bows, loves the wild, the wilderness, and the hunt. Trothfang for his hatred of the cities -- there's many a time he has wished the Crossing to burn. Damaris for the shadows and the silent kill. He praises Everild for his aid in battle.

Barn's nature tends toward the portrayed by Kuniyo. He is slow and not often to anger, but that is when the part of him that recognizes Trothfang comes to the fore.

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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 09:06 PM CST
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Kuniyo will always hold a special place in my Ranger's heart because of the proximity to blood wolves. And blood wolves hold a special place in my Ranger's heart because they're awesome.
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 09:09 PM CST
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Kuniyo although Thilan had a special devotion to Lirisa (even though she isn't a god). He was always intrigued by the Huntress as well and often visited her shrine near Lang.

"To be honest, my son, the practice of Holy magic is really just reckless tampering with one's soul."
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 09:22 PM CST
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Meraud and Phelim.

- Xelten
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 10:03 PM CST
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Miv worships Eluned;

During the Sorrow war I was near the pool of Eluned helping some new rangers get around when all of the sudden we were surrounded, a quick prayer to Eluned and she appeared and saw us all safely to the gates of the crossing. This is actually a long story and this is the condensed version but it was a great moment for Miv as it was the first Goddess she had ever seen and due to her aid has gotten her favors from her ever since.

I would rather have an intelligent enemy than a stupid friend.
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 10:29 PM CST
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When in crossing, it's Meraud for no particular reason. When in theren/lang it's kuniyo because the altar is easy to get to. Same for Saemus in mer'kresh, and back to kuniyo on m'riss.

Since the gods really don't have any impact on gameplay in any way, I get favors based on what's easiest and which gods' names I can remember.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 10:46 PM CST
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^He plays TF BTW.

"To be honest, my son, the practice of Holy magic is really just reckless tampering with one's soul."
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 11:02 PM CST
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>>^He plays TF BTW.<<

While not untrue, it's not entirely correct. I play prime for several hours nearly every day and have been for the last several months and will continue to play prime for the foreseeable future. If I'm ATK, I'm in prime. When I'm at work or sleeping, I'm in TF. Over the years I've played prime on an occasional basis. That has now changed, and prime is my emphasis for this game.

That still doesn't change the way I view the gods in prime. Unlike the guild leaders who occasionally interact with us, the players, I have seen no evidence of any "divine intervention" and therefore there is no reason to worship one god over another because it simply doesn't matter. I can understand a cleric or paladin making a big deal RP-wise about their chosen god, but I don't see the point for the population in general.



You flat out, absolutely, 100% have no idea what you're talking about.

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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 11:06 PM CST
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When I picked the ranger guild starting out I looked at Kuniyo, but he seemed to be the obvious choice. I was going to try to play a confused, not-so-proficient ranger, closer to a frontier mountain-man barbarian, who was over-reaching in his choice of profession, so Everild seemed to work.

What I had in mind for a character was in the tradition of young green Europeans or New Englanders who went into the western mountains of North America in the late 1700's/early 1800's to try to make it rich in the fur trade, where they end up going wild, educating themselves imperfectly over time. Everild seemed a little more Old Testament than Kuniyo, and a little like something from the Norse pantheon, the kind of god such a person might worship.

Bahb over time has turned into more of a Forrest Gump/Shrek/Patrick Star/Lennie Small (Of Mice and Men) figure for me, with maybe some of George Kennedy's Dragline character in Cool Hand Luke, frosted with Kevin from the Office and poured over the top of Chewbacca, but I stuck with Everild anyway. Bahb likes the boar I guess.

As things moved along, he's admitted to praying to Albreda when he's scared and lonely, and he put in time with Phelim when the stars were blotted out. He also has the hots for Berengaria, and tries to keep Glythtide/Saemaus happy too.

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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 11:17 PM CST
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Truffenyi, because he's considered the Father of Elanthia's people, and Q sees himself as a protector of the wilds (and, by extension, the people of the cities).

It is merely accidental that he smokes pipes, which happens to be an acceptable offering to Truffenyi.
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Re: Gods on 12/17/2009 11:25 PM CST
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Kuniyo. I'm cookie-cutter that way.


Crackling with unspent rage since 386A.V.
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Re: Gods on 12/18/2009 12:03 AM CST
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>>Since the gods really don't have any impact on gameplay in any way, I get favors based on what's easiest and which gods' names I can remember.

This for me too.

I will continue to get blunter on this topic until people get the message or my posts contain enough profanity to be removed. - Armifer on stupid Necros
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Re: Gods on 12/18/2009 01:54 AM CST
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Eu, because Eu is Nature and everything. Exactly what Rangers protect. Now if only the eastern races would realize that and follow Eu, everything would be better.

The Dragon priest hisses, "We'd have won, too, if it weren't for thossse meddling kidsss."
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Re: Gods on 12/18/2009 02:54 AM CST
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Meraud. Magic is where it's at. Powerful and untamed.

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Re: Gods on 12/18/2009 10:17 AM CST
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Peri'el. The whole keeping the dragon asleep thing appeals to me. Though previously it was Chadatru.

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Re: Gods on 12/18/2009 12:53 PM CST
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Hodierna for my ranger. I can't recall why. I decided on this years ago for some reason that made sense then to me...

But in a practical sense, I use whatever altars are nearby. Only my cleric is picky.
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Re: Gods on 12/18/2009 06:01 PM CST
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Damaris, First because of the stealth/assassin/spy aspect
Secondly the who Panther thing... one day... I'm going to kill a warmie and take their panther... I want one bad.

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Gods on 12/18/2009 06:20 PM CST
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Never really gave it much thought. Just try and do the best I can. Pretty much use the altar north of the Lang bridge, couldn't for the life of me tell you which God that altar belongs to.

Do remember picking or thinking of Everild or Kuniyo when creating my ranger.

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Re: Gods on 12/19/2009 05:06 AM CST
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Jalika worships Damaris. Stealing, stealth, blades. More importantly, he is a protector of children. This has been looped into my RP of Jalika's return post-walking several years ago, as well as her more Robin Hood-esque stealing from the rich to give to the young and needy.

Way back in the day it was Kuniyo. More rangerly, doesn't need much explanation.

Cool discussion. Its fun to see so much diversity.


Moving carefully, you slip your hand into Ragran's pockets and carefully grab a platinum.
Roundtime: 2 sec.
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Re: Gods on 12/19/2009 12:27 PM CST
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Damaris for stealth, and Meraud for magics.

No Ranger Stands Alone.

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Re: Gods on 12/21/2009 11:38 PM CST
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Just found this thread, so heh. I'll go ahead and put in my two cents.

Tygor's not very religious to say the least. But he prays to Kuniyo when he needs to *cough favors* and only Kuniyo. There came a time as a Prydaen where he attempted to look to The Three, Eu and the rest of them, found they were not for him as he was born and raised an "Easterner". Also to say the very least. Long story! Made very short =3

As for why Kuniyo? Well...pretty obvious, really. But really it's the god that pretty much matches his personality. Unfortunately it's "what all the Rangers do" but it'll have to do.
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Re: Gods on 12/23/2009 01:02 AM CST
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>>Eu, because Eu is Nature and everything. Exactly what Rangers protect. Now if only the eastern races would realize that and follow Eu, everything would be better.<<


-=<(Taeja Vakeho'leyiye)>=-

"Your worst enemy cannot harm you as much as your own unguarded thoughts." ~ The Buddha"
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Re: Gods on 12/23/2009 10:28 AM CST
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Everild/Kuniyo (with leanings more towarads Everild as a combat diety). Meraud, because yes - magic is awesome. I also pay tribute to Idon every now and again (he really knows how to party).

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Re: Gods on 12/30/2009 08:02 AM CST
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Much like the Greeks my character believes in all the gods and prays to the one most appropriate at the time. A couple of his favorites are Kuniyo for his dedication and deep attunement to nature and Dergati, partially because of her sense of vengence but mainly because of her intolerance of incompetence and her penchant for striking down those who act like idiots without warning. As a complete side note her description also reminds me of Chthulu.
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Re: Gods on 01/07/2010 01:01 AM CST
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My character pretty much follows all of them to an extent. She usually gets favors from Faenella, because the person who raised her partially followed this deity, among other things, or Kuniyo because he is a Rangerly type God and less demanding than the Goddess Faenella who wants flowers, cleaning, candles and other assorted things, he just wants some skins.

(I am sure there is a really bad sexist joke in there somewhere.)

Most of my other characters are about the same in that they follow them all to a degree but have about two or three prefered ones for favors, and no it isn't always the easiest or most convenient.

Eylhaar whispers, "Celitha, to Myself come you now. This life abandon and to the Void yourself give. Without pain or strife My eternal abode is. The touch of the Void feel you now."
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