How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 10:30 AM CST
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I know magic changed while I was gone. I am trying to get the Bear Strength Spell. According to my spell book it says I already know the spell but I get messaging saying I am unable to cast. I thought I had all the prerequisites but I must be missing something. Any help is appreciated.

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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 10:40 AM CST
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Can you show the message you get when you try to cast it?
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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 10:40 AM CST
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<<I know magic changed while I was gone. I am trying to get the Bear Strength Spell. According to my spell book it says I already know the spell but I get messaging saying I am unable to cast. I thought I had all the prerequisites but I must be missing something. Any help is appreciated.>>

How many ranks in life magic do you have? It's an advance difficultly spell. Elanthinpedia says you need a minimum of 250 ranks in magic. Personally, I think that's really low unless you got something that'll ease the difficulty. I've got over 400 in life magic and still can't cast BS.

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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 10:44 AM CST
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Life Magic is a minor portion of your casting formula, working essentially like Melee or Ranged Mastery skills. For Bear Strength you're looking at the average of your Utility and Augmentation as the major skill input.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 01:12 PM CST
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Thanks for the reply...I too saw the parameters for casting BS in E-Pedia. Would be nice to know the specifics. Is that something we are not supposed to know?
This is what I have presently. I'm guessing since you can't cast it at 400, I've a loooooong way to go.

Life Magic: 268 72% clear (0/34)
Augmentation: 236 84% clear (0/34)
Utility: 178 79% clear (0/34)

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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 01:20 PM CST
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>>Would be nice to know the specifics. Is that something we are not supposed to know?

The exact formula is NDA and has a decent RNG involved beside. But that said DISCERN is usually great except for edge cases, and Elanthipedia is almost always on the mark for basic requirements.

Essentially: If your relevant casting skill & primary magic skill equal the number shown on Elanthipedia, you should be able to min-cast it, albeit if you're riding the utter edge of your ability the RNG will make it sometimes work sometimes not. If your primary magic skill is higher (which can often be the case) it will give you a slight, but not particularly significant, boost in terms of effective skill.

In practice, except in some edge cases that the skill was meant for, you should ignore what your primary magic skill is telling you and focus instead of the specialty skills for determining if you can cast a spell.

"Perinthia's astronomers are faced with a difficult choice. Either they must admit that all their calculations were wrong ... or else they must reveal that the order of the gods is reflected exactly in the city of monsters." - Italo Calvino
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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 01:43 PM CST
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Thank you for the reply. Cleared some things up.

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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 02:37 PM CST
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Armifer does Cheetah Swiftness use the same magic skills?

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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 11/29/2017 03:39 PM CST
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Not Armifer, but this is what you're looking for:

Cheetah Swiftness uses augmentation. Bear Stringth both uses a mix of augmentation and utility.
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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 12/02/2017 07:21 PM CST
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Just to expand on this:
I'd like to add data for the extreme other side of casting, where you 'sort of' maximize BES (Bear Strength)


Life Magic: 800
Augmentation: 800
Utility: 600

Max cast of BES is 20 mana.
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Re: How do I get Bear Strength Spell on 12/03/2017 07:11 AM CST
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Funny enough, I had to go in and adjust my script just yesterday after 4 backfires in a row. I had been casting at 19 routinely and never saw a backfire but as of ~24h ago my new cap is 18 apparently. Full heal and good bonus, no concentration drain, all the usual suspects were checked. Not sure what changed but I have gained about 30 combined ranks since I picked 19 as my "safe" casting cap.

>discern bes
The spell requires at minimum 5 mana streams and you think you can reinforce it with 18 more, for a total of 23 streams.
Life Magic: 923
Augmentation: 840
Utility: 696

~Hunter Hanryu
>I did not sit down and said "Screw the Rangers, I will cancel all development for them and bake cookies instead."~Armifer
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Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 05:27 AM CST
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If we were to rewrite Forestwalker's Boon into something different, would there be any interest whatsoever in keeping the current animal calming as a secondary effect? Or is it never useful?

GM Grejuva
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 06:30 AM CST
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I very occasionally might consider using BOON if it was a general effect full area calm/prevent all critters from entering. I would only use it for mining/lumberjacking, but it would be vaguely useful on niche occasions. To ensure that it isn't a nerfed version of a spell because we're magic tert, make it held/cyclic or a ritual spell.

>Or is it never useful?
It is never useful to me in it's current form. Neither is Awaken Forest (I unlearned both spells). Speaking of useless spells, I never find myself casting Devolve or COTW because they suffer from the "why spend time/mana on -stats when I can just sleep a target with DF" syndrome. If either of these were AOE debufs it would give one a reason to cast it over spamming the DF/HB combo (maybe).

~Hunter Hanryu
>You know how map makers use to be "Here be dragons"? Old DR code is like that. Except instead of dragons there are Lovecraftian horrors made out of well-intentioned psuedo-code.~Raesh
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 09:23 AM CST
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I don't really see Rangers as needing a calm on critters type ability. What if instead, it became a ritual spell that restored some of your ranger bonus? If you're already at cap, it'll give you better than natural buff (think invigorated for ranger bonus). Every day use would see this as a static buff or a chainable spell to recover after you've been in town long enough for memory of nature to not save you.
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 09:26 AM CST
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Barring that, if you're looking for a quick win, you could turn it into a scouting buff, regenerating a forest area to make awaken forest more attractive, or an RT reduction on sneaking in non-wooded areas or even a pulsing AOE debuff instead of a calm.
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 09:34 AM CST
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>I don't really see Rangers as needing a calm on critters type ability.
How much material harvesting do you do in critter areas as a Ranger? Combat3.0 makes it very annoying when a sub 90 rank critter can land blows on me with >900 evasion/shield. Rangers sorely lack bulk crowd-control and AOE damage mechanics. Sure a no-combat effect is not super useful all the time, but it has a niche that can't be filled with BOON or other Ranger mechanics right now.

>What if instead, it became a ritual spell that restored some of your ranger bonus?
Beseech Elanthia To Transfer works well for me. Though I could see that the timer is pretty long and so a spell might be useful to some folks. Given how precious development resources are however, I would of course rather that Transfer be looked at and the timer adjusted instead of a spell made to fix bonus.

~Hunter Hanryu
>You know how map makers use to be "Here be dragons"? Old DR code is like that. Except instead of dragons there are Lovecraftian horrors made out of well-intentioned psuedo-code.~Raesh
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 10:29 AM CST
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> How much material harvesting do you do in critter areas as a Ranger? Combat3.0 makes it very annoying when a sub 90 rank critter can land blows on me with >900 evasion/shield.

Somewhat, but I haven't ended up with more than minor scrapes after hours of gathering on my ranger. I can see this is as a problem if you're gathering for days on end without going to an empath. If the calm is wanted, then just make it affect more than mundane creatures. It obviously shouldn't be as good as Alberda's Balm, but all living creatures seem appropriate.

> Given how precious development resources are however, I would of course rather that Transfer be looked at and the timer adjusted instead of a spell made to fix bonus.

I'd agree here.
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 11:23 AM CST
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I've already proposed a new effect for Boon; I'm just pondering whether the existing effect should stay too or no. I'm inclined toward keeping it in with a little added syntax.

There's an add-on spell slated for Awaken Forest, and I'll be closely looking over the base spell as I implement it. As far as I know, AF was intended to become a defensive/tanky pet, which might cover the "distract creatures while I gather stuff" niche.

>>you could turn it into a scouting buff

Wolf Scent?

GM Grejuva
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 11:36 AM CST
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> Wolf Scent?

Huh. I usually only use wolf-scent for the outdoorsmanship buff. I didn't even remember that it buffed scouting. I guess that's more of a sign of how poorly developed that skill is than anything else.
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/11/2017 08:20 PM CST
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>would there be any interest whatsoever in keeping the current animal calming as a secondary effect? Or is it never useful?

Never useful. If I need to get out, I pop a blend. I'm with Hanryu in that I don't have Awaken Forest or Forest Walkers Boon. At the moment, keeping 8 unused slots is preferable to learning those spells.

Any hints on what the "something different" you've proposed is?

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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/12/2017 12:15 AM CST
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>>Any hints on what the "something different" you've proposed is?

I took it from this folder.

GM Grejuva
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/12/2017 08:30 AM CST
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To save everyone some time, I just did a quick search.

Here's what I see:

1. Spawn Generator
2. Emergency exit (aka fir familiar drag when stunned or stun everyone else nearby)
3. Charisma buff.
4. TM / Debil buff.

I think a pulsing calm effect would hinder 1 and 4. It would probably make sense with #2, and be mildly annoying with #3.
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/12/2017 08:34 AM CST
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I can't ninja edit, so quick caveat. I think the calm would only make sense with #2 if you had a way to turn it on or off, OR it only triggered when the forest saved you.
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/12/2017 11:41 AM CST
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I'd rather have the full primary effect than decrease potency at all and add a not so useful secondary effect.

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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/12/2017 01:35 PM CST
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> I'd rather have the full primary effect than decrease potency at all and add a not so useful secondary effect.

Why even bother with Forest Walker's boon animal protection when you can pick up an innocence scroll? It's more versatile. It takes less mana. It's easier to cast.
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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/17/2017 11:37 AM CST
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I never use Forestwalker's Boon. I tried it when it first came out and to me it's a useless spell. Maybe if the thing it summoned would actually fight at our current skill level in our highest melee weapon, it might actually be useful as and emergency escape or to keep things off of us while harvest either lumber of ore while mining.

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Re: Forestwalker's Boon on 12/18/2017 11:10 PM CST
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I pretty much only use Forestwalker's Boon to get the faint emerald aura. It is too bad that it doesn't show up in the room look like other spell buffs.

As mentioned by other folks, the animal calming effect rarely works. The old Mesmerize spell felt more ranger-like and lasted longer.

My main use for Awaken Forest is to check out what type of categorical terrain the room is. The other unsuccessful use is to keep critters off me when lumberjacking or on quest critters. I feel like the spawn helps me gain better position without having to spend RT on maneuvers.

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