Ranger Magic on 02/07/2015 10:21 PM CST
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Pretty sure I already know the answer to this but any chance we could get a targeted spell that targets area? Or maybe a metaspell that allows devitalize to target area? I am thinking something similar to smite horde for the Paladins but with a Rangerish flavor to it.
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/07/2015 10:29 PM CST
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Smack horde:

You cause a large tree branch to fall across the entire horde accosting you.

Even in the desert. Or the arctic. Yes, places with no trees have branches falling from the sky, shut up and accept this or we will give you some cheese that even Naruto would look at and go 'good lord that's tacky'.
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/08/2015 11:00 PM CST
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<<Even in the desert. Or the arctic. Yes, places with no trees have branches falling from the sky--Vickers>>

Don't be silly, Vickers. In desert, we would have falling cacti and in the arctic, glacers avalancheing.

And I am thinking we don't have something that does area target damage because we aren't magic prime or secondary or some such thing. Would be wonderful to have old HB and Swarm back, I tell ya.

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/09/2015 07:21 AM CST
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>I am thinking we don't have something that does area target damage because

Paladins have Smite Horde. Necromancers have viscous solution. Barbs even have whirlwind. Bards have pyre, and a ton of other area effect magic.
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/10/2015 07:59 PM CST
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<<Paladins have Smite Horde. Necromancers have viscous solution. Barbs even have whirlwind. Bards have pyre, and a ton of other area effect magic.>>

I seem to remember that when we broached the idea of area affect spells, the GMs stated we couldn't have one because we were magic tert or something like that.

But I agree! Give us area affect spells. I would love for compost to get back the mana raising power. It seems so natural that something decaying would send it's life essence into the ground, thus raising mana. And it gives younger rangers something useful to do during invasions by helping the younger empaths keep up their mana. I'm all for interguild helping.

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/10/2015 08:35 PM CST
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>I seem to remember that when we broached the idea of area affect spells, the GMs stated we couldn't have one because we were magic tert or something like that.

I believe that was the design philosophy under 2.0 or such; only Magic Prime guilds could have AoE TM/etc.
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/11/2015 02:14 PM CST
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I believe that also, happened in 2.0, but I also don't think it has changed under 3.0. If it has, GMs give us some area affect spells!

Zinaca and her baby wolf, Lucky
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/13/2015 08:06 PM CST
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The curse and the blessing of a Ranger all in one. We are the Jack of all Trades but Master of None.
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Re: Ranger Magic on 02/17/2015 12:28 AM CST
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Not sure what I feel about the whole AoE debate. Honestly I don't always like even the way some of the magic prime guilds spells work. But I'm probably biased as I find myself walking through them occasionally.

Technically, I guess you could say that Stampede could be. I mean, when I envision a stampede, I don't really envision it being something that just tramples a single target.

<<I would love for compost to get back the mana raising power.>>

This however, I would absolutely LOVE. I really do miss this ability. I felt like it gave a rising use and purpose to Compost beyond the other 3 cleaning mechanics available to everyone in the realms. That and as Zinaca mentioned, it makes sense. It was an incredibly useful ability, and limited in a very manageable manner.

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