Backtraining on 09/20/2004 09:43 AM CDT
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Right now I'm backtraining my ME. I've got it up to 30, but I want it up to around where my other weapons are (the 80's). My other combat oriented experience are:

Leather Armor: 55 47% muddled
Parry Ability: 65 60% learning
Multi Opponent: 48 16% muddled
Evasion: 66 88% learning

I've never been able to get my armor or my multi up very high..... My fifth circle barbarian has the same multi as I do..... and here are my stats:

Strength : 19 Reflex : 19
Agility : 21 Charisma : 9
Discipline : 15 Wisdom : 18
Intelligence : 17 Stamina : 17

I like to think I'm pretty well rounded, for the most part. Anyways, what do you all suggest I hunt for the backtraining to get it up to 80 ranks?
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Re: Backtraining on 09/20/2004 11:16 AM CDT
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I would say try eels out near goblins by Crossing until you cap them out (~60ish), then head to beisswurms and do the same (~80ish). Both of those will move your multi nicely.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
~Herm Albright
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Re: Backtraining on 09/20/2004 11:28 AM CDT
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I agree with the grass eel suggestion, but would add something else instead of beisswurms (which I never developed a liking for). If you find yourself beaten about by beisswurms, but not learning much (which happened to me), I suggest fighting wind hounds (2 or more gives good multi, and I didn't find them to hit as hard as wurms), but watch out because they swarm unmercifully at times and travel with Faenrae Reavers, which CAN hurt you pretty badly. Might also try bobcats/cougars/jackals out past the Crossing favors area when you reach 60+. Although the gen rate can be slow, I found that bobcats moved my weapons well, and I could usually get two or three cougars/jackals to work multi in the meantime.

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Re: Backtraining on 09/20/2004 11:35 AM CDT
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>I agree with the grass eel suggestion, but would add something else instead of beisswurms (which I never developed a liking for). If you find yourself beaten about by beisswurms, but not learning much (which happened to me), I suggest fighting wind hounds (2 or more gives good multi, and I didn't find them to hit as hard as wurms), but watch out because they swarm unmercifully at times and travel with Faenrae Reavers, which CAN hurt you pretty badly. Might also try bobcats/cougars/jackals out past the Crossing favors area when you reach 60+. Although the gen rate can be slow, I found that bobcats moved my weapons well, and I could usually get two or three cougars/jackals to work multi in the meantime.

Good point. I would not suggest wind hounds, however, unless you have someone who will come along to kill off the reavers at least at first. And along with the cougars/jackals/bobcats suggestion above, you could head to the Shard area where there are the kobolds/boggles/jackals and they would take you up to the 50s I think. I forget for sure.

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
~Herm Albright
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Re: Backtraining on 09/21/2004 02:25 AM CDT
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If you be careful you could hunt dusk ogres, just whack em a few times with your primary weapon, then switch to the one you want to backtrain, use it for the kill. Seems to work okay for me anyway, just my two coppers.

< Moving with grace, you chop a bo stick at a brown bear. A brown bear fails to dodge. The stick lands a strong hit that vaporizes the skull into a fine scarlet mist (Mom would not be pleased!).
Kryllok...poking bears with sticks since 314
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Backtraining skinning on 11/07/2006 05:27 PM CST
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I'm a moon mage with 72 in skinning (and 30 agility) and I'm wondering what would teach skinning best at this level. Since I'm backtraining, swarms are good. Any suggestions?
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/07/2006 05:32 PM CST
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Hmm. Tough for me to say since I have the ranger bonus, but maybe bloodwolves? I would think skinning wolves with 2HE or Halberd would work for you.

Just my guess.

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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/07/2006 06:28 PM CST
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Bloodwolves with a larger blade, and scrape the pelts afterwards. Or if you have the combats, snowbeasts. But be prepared for a lot of failures with them.

Good luck!

Ryeka and the brood

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/07/2006 08:33 PM CST
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Blood wolves don't teach well, unfortunately. My combats are fine, I normally hunt swains and I can easily kill black leucros and higher. I tried snowbeasts, but my skinning was a little too low to really move well there.

Alternately, are there any mid level mobs that don't take much skinning to skin (like 100-120ish?).
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/07/2006 08:56 PM CST
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What about snow goblins- the first tier? Those will train skinning and box skills.


Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/07/2006 09:07 PM CST
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I'll check them out. Thanks for the suggestion.
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/07/2006 09:15 PM CST
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I'll second the snow goblins. They should do you very well skinning wise. Damned Ryeka, being too helpful too quickly! ;)

- Player of Foresee
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/08/2006 05:30 AM CST
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P.S. If you go with snowblin I'll trade you skinning classes for boxes! ;p

~Ranger Hanryu, Sword of House Calibanor
>However, elements of the Solomon junta still control the hills outside the capital. - Armifer
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/08/2006 06:59 AM CST
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I would, but this is in TF. Sorry.
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/11/2006 11:00 PM CST
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I say hunt whatever skinnable creature you would regularly hunt and skin it. You'll fail everytime but who cares, skinning learns horribly nomatter what you do (or is this different for other guilds?).
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/12/2006 06:50 AM CST
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>>skinning learns horribly nomatter what you do (or is this different for other guilds?).<<

Yeah for rangers nearly impossible to lock skinnin in combat, but my barb can lock it with about 7 black leucros with 160 skinning and prolly only get one successful peel out of those 7. so as has been mentioned in the past, skin critters you can barely get success on to move the skill decently, you can make it more difficult by using a larger blade to skin (halberd, pike, 2HE). If a ranger with arrange, arrange your kills and scrape every hide/skin/pelt you can get your hands on. My barb never needs to scrape, I come outta leucros locked everytime. So if you're a ranger, get used to the broke down system called skinning and prepare for a hard road.
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/13/2006 10:51 AM CST
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I can not lock skinning by actually skinning the critter. However if I'm quick enough. I can run to a safe place, unload my bundle and skin everything quick and lock it (or come real close).

Gahlron Dragon'Claws
~Mors ante dedecum
Nihil ante coffeum~
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/13/2006 12:50 PM CST
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>>Yeah for rangers nearly impossible to lock skinnin in combat...<<

Asking rangers about where a non-ranger can skin won't really help much. Our bonus to survival really affects our ability to skin at levels much higher than others of comparable skill.

If you're not able to lock skinning in combat, hunt something that's tougher to skin - not every critter that's of an equal difficulty to kill is of an equal difficulty to skin. Skinning is still one of my fastest moving skills (and I do still lock it).

Not so much a tagline as a cry for help.
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/13/2006 07:07 PM CST
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>If you're not able to lock skinning in combat, hunt something that's tougher to skin - not every critter that's of an equal difficulty to kill is of an equal difficulty to skin.

Yeah, I guess what I was trying to ask is, what is difficult to kill that is relatively easy to skin. Hmm, maybe I should try the barbarian folder.
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Re: Backtraining skinning on 11/13/2006 07:16 PM CST
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Kadru exclaims, "Nimmi has crazy eyes!"

Haha. Dulci thinks men can reach maturity... --Rayje

If a tree falls in the forest, does it get busted for unconsented PvP? --Dunedain1
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Backtraining Shield and Parry on 11/06/2008 06:33 AM CST
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Greetings fellow Rangers,

I want to bring my other defenses up to be more in line with my evasion. What are the best options available for a Ranger to train shield and parry in the 350 to 400 range? I'd prefer a critter that doesn't have a special attack. Am I destined to a life of hunting bristlebacks?

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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 11/06/2008 08:47 AM CST
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Gryphons or Bristle Backs.

Satfiki wipes a bit of Rmel's spittle from her arm.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 11/06/2008 10:17 AM CST
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Bristles are an option. Kinda depends on where your evasion falls, you can always tweak stance so you parry/block enough to lock in just about any critter at your level. I was backtraining around 300 shield in celpz for example, without issues.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 11/06/2008 11:32 AM CST
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>>Bristles are an option. Kinda depends on where your evasion falls, you can always tweak stance so you parry/block enough to lock in just about any critter at your level. I was backtraining around 300 shield in celpz for example, without issues.

Evasion is 450ish. I'm looking to narrow the gap between evasion and the rest of my defenses for a bit.

Thanks for the replies.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 11/06/2008 02:55 PM CST
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>>Evasion is 450ish. I'm looking to narrow the gap between evasion and the rest of my defenses for a bit.

Then do something like bristles. They won't move your evasion, but will do multi/parry/shield to a bit over 400.

Same reason I'm backtraining shield in raiders at the moment... keep evasion from pulling even further ahead. Raiders might also work for you too, they'll move evasion decently to 460-480 and then be super slow for evasion after that. Only issue, town area =)
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 09:22 AM CST
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ok my question is why narrow the gap? My shield is quite a bit behind my evasion... but if I go to lock up my evasion my shield armor and parry lock up before it... and when my head gets foggy I go ranged... seems to work out great.

"The object of war is not to die for your counrty, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 01:26 PM CST
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On a related topic, I seem to have some difficulty training evasion. I swear it doesn't pulse as much as the other survival skills. I just passed a wall rank on and was ready to see the "big number" jumps, but was disappointed.

I also have the issue of leather, parry, shield and multi mind locking with evasion only at concentrating level. I'm currently in vines/creepers were I can perma-evade 2 critters, but not 3.

I'm at a bit of a disadvantage due to just now picking up shield and being far behind in multi. Both are catching up fast though.

Is there a better technique? Or do I just slug it out until the armor/etc quits mind locking?
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 02:34 PM CST
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personally i'd say slug it out till you can't learn multi there... if you have multi you can dance with more critters at a time... and thus learn more from the critters

"The object of war is not to die for your counrty, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 02:54 PM CST
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Multi, hinderance, burden, etc all impact your ability to dodge and thus how many evasion bit's you'll recieve.

Add on top of that the evasion pool is considerably larger than a similarly ranked wearpon/armor pool for us (at the ranks you're looking at anyway).

I also didn't notice if earlier on in the thread you showed your skills; it's quite possible for evasion to be closer to the cap/soft cap of a critter and thus getting a lot less exp than parry/weapon, especially with the small ranges lower critters teach (you go from critters that have a range of 20 ranks at the lowest end, to critters that have a 200+ rank range at higher levels).

There are just a lot of factors that could be playing into why evasion isn't locking. You don't have to get the dodge message to lock evasion though, you just have to succeed enough that it gets plenty of bits. Most of us end up purposely stancing evasion down a bit and other stuff up just so we can lock the other stuff at the same time evasion locks.

Really it comes down to playing with things a bit. I'd assume either hinderance/burden (but you say you dodge a lot, so maybe not) or evasion being a bit ahead is the culprit though.

And there is no question, post walls are way faster than walls. Just don't stare at the numbers, be surprised when it ranks quite a bit faster =)
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 03:13 PM CST
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I can eventually get evasion to lock, it just takes a lot longer. I do expect that as it's primary with a bigger pool. The challenge I struggle with is getting it to tick back down again since my mind state is often thick by the time evasion gets past perplexing. Plus, as I mentioned before, I swear it ticks down slower than the other survivals! (Probably just a mental thing in my REAL head!)

I can dodge 2 vines 99.9% of the time. If a third comes in, I almost never dodge; it diverts to parry/shield. That's not a problem other than they lock too fast and flood my mind state.

leather 134
shield 63
parry 117
evasion 130
multi 94

Of them all, multi locks almost instantly it seems. shield moves next, then leather, then parry. They'll all be mind locked when evasion is only at considering.

charisma 17
wisdom 20
intel 20
disc 20
reflex 23
agility 24
stam 24
strength 25

The best method I've found so far is to quit combat when I get murky. Wait until I'm clear, then wade back in. I hope that as multi and shield build up they'll lock less quickly, and/or I'll be able to handle 3 vines at once and pound on the evasion faster without overloading everything else.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 03:19 PM CST
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>Plus, as I mentioned before, I swear it ticks down slower than the other survivals! (Probably just a mental thing in my REAL head!)

Yep, just a mental thing.

>I can dodge 2 vines 99.9% of the time. If a third comes in, I almost never dodge; it diverts to parry/shield. That's not a problem other than they lock too fast and flood my mind state.

Are you using SOP and SOTT? Although ultimately it would probably be good to not worry about mind locking evasion and allow your other defenses to catch up a bit.

>Of them all, multi locks almost instantly it seems. shield moves next, then leather, then parry. They'll all be mind locked when evasion is only at considering.

Looking at your skills, that sounds about right. You could slow down leather by adding in another armor type.

>The best method I've found so far is to quit combat when I get murky. Wait until I'm clear, then wade back in. I hope that as multi and shield build up they'll lock less quickly, and/or I'll be able to handle 3 vines at once and pound on the evasion faster without overloading everything else.

Yep, sounds right to me. Patience.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 03:27 PM CST
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I appreciate the feedback. Patience is generally the best, and I'm not really in a hurry. Just trying to get a grasp on whats going on. One thing I love about DR is that it's NOT easy.

I wear hunting leathers at the moment. No idea where I got em from. I keep meaning to pick up some light chain gloves and head (head/neck/eyes, if it exists), but I truly hate visiting cities so I'm usually just to the bank and out again. I need to step into a store once in a while, or better yet, go exploring and find a critter that drops light chain.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 03:49 PM CST
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>>I wear hunting leathers at the moment. No idea where I got em from. I keep meaning to pick up some light chain gloves and head (head/neck/eyes, if it exists), but I truly hate visiting cities so I'm usually just to the bank and out again.

Balaclava for the chain for head/neck/eyes - shard, also believe sold somewhere else now?
Gloves - make sure they are real LC gloves, since the balaclava is neutral, and trains whichever chain is highest.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 04:36 PM CST
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>>Balaclava for the chain for head/neck/eyes - shard, also believe sold somewhere else now?

A trader can get a hold of some balaclavas that you won't find in Shard. I'm not sure if there are any sold in P5 or not.

Sometimes the key to happiness is not assuming it is locked in the first place- Ziggy

A journey of a thousand SMILES begins with a single step- Ziggy
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 07:03 PM CST
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>I wear hunting leathers at the moment.

When you can afford it, consider tanned armor, it'll help a lot.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 07:24 PM CST
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Regarding tanned hunting leathers: What should I be looking for, materials and cost wise?

I was thinking of making my own as well. Leather: 135, Mechlore: 100ish. Any chance if that will allow me to make better than store bought?

With HOL I can get some perfect arranged croc skins. I've got a few curing right now. Thought I'd try to make a small shield for fun. Troll skins may be possible too, though I haven't tried.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 07:36 PM CST
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>>I was thinking of making my own as well. Leather: 135, Mechlore: 100ish. Any chance if that will allow me to make better than store bought?

Don't think there is a single leather pattern you could complete with those ranks. maybe not even any accessories. let alone make something better than what you can pick up in the store :/
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 07:45 PM CST
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Largest problem your going to have is your parry, multi, armor and shield are going to lock extremely fast in there because of the amount of critters on you. Slug it out till parry, shield and multi get up to around the 130-140 range and you'll notice a HUGE difference, I was the same way a few months ago. If you can deal with it they will push multi and shield a bit higher than evasion and make life easier after them.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 08:01 PM CST
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>> Don't think there is a single leather pattern you could complete with those ranks. maybe not even any accessories. let alone make something better than what you can pick up in the store :/

Bummer. Thanks for the honest answer though. What kind of ranks am I shooting for to complete, and make something half-decent.
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Re: Backtraining Shield and Parry on 01/13/2009 11:30 PM CST
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>>Bummer. Thanks for the honest answer though. What kind of ranks am I shooting for to complete, and make something half-decent.

Kind of depends on what you deem "half-decent". There are a number of different leather patterns, each one a different difficulty that makes different appraising leathers - also modified by the skin used, and your success.

That can give you an idea of what is "possible" with enough ranks (pay attention to skin on the left and pattern on the right). Depending on the leather pattern (talking leathers, as in full body protection - limbs, abdomen, chest, back, and in some patterns neck) some might be done with maybe middle 200's? Top end (reinforced leathers) requires 400 mech I think - I'm getting closer to perfect the closer my mech gets to 400 (360 mech atm, mid 500's leather, though I think leather only needs 400-500).
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