It has been an incredible experience wandering around just to check things out. I was going real slow at least until the apes started throwing bones then I ran like the wind. Then I got to look at the was sticky and didn't teach. At least that I could see but I wasn't there very long. Er rather, I wasn't alive long enough to notice. Although the area that I ran through looked great! I lost 7 TDP's on that depart. Got healed by Donic and I swear not 30 seconds later when I stepped into boars, I hadn't had one throw an axe at me yet, I needed a hand. I went to the ranger guild after that...then after logging out I logged in in Town Green Crossing...that a hint? And I really, really like the swing and that slope with the body with the broke leg not the one that leads to apes where there are apparently lots of bodies too.