Here's hoping I don't kill this folder...But BIG thanks! on 12/19/2010 06:04 PM CST
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It's been a few days since the meeting and I would have thought someone would have posted a big thanks for the meeting and taking their time to talk to us AND actually listen!

So I thought I would post a big thanks to GM Sithix and GM Audacia for the trouble of the meeting. For once I'm actually happy after a meeting. Audacia, let NOTHING distract Sithix from coding companions and trails!

Also want to post how grateful I am for all the work you both do. Audacia, i can't see how you do it, with your jobs and all. Thank you so much for keeping companions on the table.

Zinaca and her wolf, Lucky who howls a big heyo!

PS Can I be official thread and folder killer? (look at all the threads with me as the last poster and the dates. Obviously I'm very good at it!
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Re: Here's hoping I don't kill this folder...But BIG thanks! on 12/19/2010 09:29 PM CST
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You are welcome and we'll stay on track, no worries this time!

And you are only the last poster on so many threads because you manage to say it all so there's no need for anyone else to post! Maybe. :-)

SGM Audacia

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.
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Re: Here's hoping I don't kill this folder...But BIG thanks! on 12/19/2010 10:08 PM CST
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Thanks! Really, the appreciative comments do help!

- GM Sithix

If you'd stop finding bugs I could code Companions 2.0.
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Re: Here's hoping I don't kill this folder...But BIG thanks! on 12/20/2010 07:47 PM CST
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<<And you are only the last poster on so many threads because you manage to say it all so there's no need for anyone else to post! Maybe. :-)>>

I will happily labor under this delusion! Thanks. And Sithix, you are welcome. I just believe that appreciation should be expressed liberally, opinions uttered when necessary and criticisms expressed with compassion. Or at least I try to adhere the above.

::ponders and goes to cross out "when necessary" and then remembers that "when necessary" may also be when I feel it is necessary--so leaves it as it is;:

Zinaca and her wolf, Lucky
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Re: Here's hoping I don't kill this folder...But BIG thanks! on 12/23/2010 06:40 PM CST
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Thank you to Audi and Dark lord of the Sith9 for having the meeting... Sithix THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU for giving up any chance you ever had at being a normal sane functioning member of society to work on companions.

"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his."
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Re: Here's hoping I don't kill this folder...But BIG thanks! on 01/21/2011 06:44 PM CST
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Thanks for the push into Companions, and the push in activity here with the Rangers (been busy for over a month with Christmas and getting life back to normal afterwards)

So thanks, and I hope to get more involved coming in February.

Victory Over Lyras, on the 397th year and 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
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