While my friend wasnt able to swing the exact alteration that was wanted, they were ableto come up with something close for the time being.
We want to extend a thank you to the master behind Loriale when Jorvak had this done, the back n forth & checking with certain racial GMs was done & all while the fest was going on.
I am happy with it, as it compliments her title just fine. And it is a take on a certain racial item without blatantly screaming what it is.
Also the saying is something she has been using for a very long time as she played off of Ushnish long before some of the "newbies" even came into existence :) As its on a lot of her older items also.
>>You slide a delicate silver ring set with a piece of darkened moonstone off your finger.
Set within an intricate scale-patterned filigree, the gem is carved across its face with a symbol that time has worn nearly smooth. A dagger-shaped inclusion within the stone is only visible when light touches the surface at the right angle. Nearly hidden within the wirework, phrases in Eth'ral'khh wend their way on overlapping paths, rendering them difficult to read at best.
There appears to be something written on it.
A delicate silver ring reads: "Ushnishs' s'zhaan." <<
So, massive THANK YOU to the GMs for doing this. I think Elizz is pretty done for the time being. Heh Yes, she is an ancient s'kra'ur. :)