Novice Warrior Mage seeking apprenticeship. on 10/30/2009 10:28 PM CDT
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Just a little background info. This post is being made for a new player to DragonRealms. She's been a long time player of those free muds and I've convinced her to jump on here if I give her a character.

I've been teaching her the game mechanically wise, training, hunting, and the whatnots.

The player is Magan, a Warrior Mage. She is looking to be the apprentice of a distinguished fellow Mage. Most importantly she is looking for Role Play and to start making friends in the community.

The Apprentice/Master is purely for Role Play. So teaching her the core mechanics of the game are not in the job description :P (Unless of course you want to, which would give me less to do hah.)

Anyways her aim is EmpathMagan (Yes she is a Warmie.) So if anyone is interested just give her a shout or find her in game and Role Play it out.
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