History of Therengia, Lecturer wanted. on 09/23/2004 08:10 AM CDT
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I am looking for someone to give an ingame lecture on the History of Therengia. This lecture would be part of the Commanders Lecture series I am working on. Being that I am a loyal Therengian, the lecturer would need to provide an objective learning experience without an anti-barony slant.
Looking for a quick lecture, 10-20 roisaen in length.

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Re: History of Therengia, Lecturer wanted. on 10/14/2004 11:01 AM CDT
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I know it is late, but did you ever find anyone? If not, please IM me at daeriynn, or email me.

I am still researching the history (and if anyone wants to point me in good directions that I may have missed, let me know!), but would love to do this at some point.

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